Just Snatched Red Fin WaspFish.


I love them already, last night the male apparently wasn't hungry but he still kept biting and he would just spit it out and bite it and spit it out again. It kinda seems like they have a little tude. I am sure they will be much less subdued in the 90 gallon. Who knows, if they start to show breeding behavior we may have to convert our 29 gallon freshwater for them to have by themselves.


New Member
That's a pretty big size difference!! She looks like she could go right in his mouth with no problEm. Are these guys docile or more on the aggressive side trying to eat anything they can?
Greg, I was even saying it out loud trying to figure out what it meant...lmao!!


There is a male and female fs right now. They seem docile to me right now, but I am sure they would take down a sexy shrimp if they had the chance. The description says peaceful and reef safe-with caution. Even the big male has a little trouble with a full size ghost shrimp right now.


Active Member
You can't look at the descriptions. They are totally off base with anything that is not generic.
They like to eat, but are not "fuzzy lion aggressive".
Mine is in the middle towards the bottom... you can see others are more aggressive eaters.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
The big one is an odd color.
IME, these fish can, and do change color. you might see your fish looking that same mottled gray one say, white with mottled markings the next, sometimes the fins and belly are super red, sometimes not.


Ya, he has been pretty much like the picture but the red isn't always as vivid. But he has never been that dark all over. Today I was putting a little flake food in for the resident clown and the big male came out and was getting it just like the clown. Only he seemed to chew on it for a minute or so and spit it back out, but then he would go after another flake. It was funny. He is a real aggressive eater, unlike the female. I love em though already, with their big beautiful, kinda creepy eyes.


these are all of the same fish sporting different looks, which is one of the cool things about this group of fish...you get a "new" fish almost every day:



I don't know which one I like more, those are beautiful pictures. Looks like he is trying to get sympathy in the first picture.