Just t' clear a few things up...


-walmart sucks
-men and women don't interact
-starbucks is a great hangout spot
-the zipper is a horrible ride
better now?


Active Member
-Target makes K-mart look like Macys
-Men and Women should'nt interact
-Coffee shops are a scam
-Carnival rides kill



Originally posted by RazorEQX
-Target makes K-mart look like Macys
-Men and Women should'nt interact
-Coffee shops are a scam
-Carnival rides kill

Ok you win!
Know any good LFS in Lancaster?


-All retail stores should close
-Everyone should become gay
-Coffee sucks, but Starbucks is a good hangout
-After the bathroom accident in 4th grade, I stay away from anything to do with the word Zipper


Active Member

Originally posted by cwalters
Ok you win!
I won I won!! :jumping:
Know any good LFS in Lancaster?

Sure! SeaTide Aquarium -- see Jeramie!


Active Member
-All retail stores should close
-Everyone should become gay
-Coffee sucks, but Starbucks is a good hangout
-After the bathroom accident in 4th grade, I stay away from anything to do with the word Zipper
OH how easy life would be...
Naa if everyone was gay the world would depopulate... u breeders do have purposes ya know


you lost me at the gay thing. Not that there's anything wrong with it. (Seinfeld episode 9.14)


Active Member
-After the bathroom accident in 4th grade, I stay away from anything to do with the word Zipper [/B]
Dang, How did you get the beans on top of the frank??? (courtesy there's something about mary)


Active Member
ya know, I am not sentimental at all really. I can sit thru 40 needles, tattoos, getting my hand smashed with a hammer, and I have endured many hardships NEVER did i cry or get emotions. BUT when i watched that movie, and when i remembered(thanks, rbmount) I GOT TEARY EYED!


who knows.
hey yer an addiction counselor, right knox? IMO the 12-step oriented system does more damage than good to addicts. i think it makes them focus waaaaayyy too much on their addiction/s than necessary. it also makes them feel inferior by labeling them permanently diseased as addicts. whaddya think?


I definatly don't push the 12 step program or AA, in one hand its good for awarness. Addiction is a disease though and people in general have to try a lot of things before they find something that works, although the 12 step program isen't for everyone, I say if it works for you then more power to you.
Today there are a ton of other programs and options for addiction, usually people who have strong opinions about one certain program are simply uneducated in the field. Second the 12 step program doesn't make anyone feel or do anything they don't want to, only the individual has that power, whats more is AA and the 12 step is totally voluntary. HTH
Also im in Canada, and im sure we do things a little different then other country's.


wasn't voluntary for me. i had a court card that required 3 signatures a day for 12 months. i spent most of my day talking and listening about getting high and drunk. then i also met a lot of people that took & sold drugs so i can't exactly say i was really better off afterwards.
but, like you said, you don't get sober unless you really want to. i didn't want to back then from the start.