Just wanna get to know everybody!


I'm new around here, and just thought it'd be fun to get to know everyone. Feel free to post pics and what not. Don't be shy, introduce yourselves! :D


Hey! Looks like you're only an hour or so away from too..I'm down here in good ol' Ada..*whoop whoop*..lol..NOT really..boring town it is....and yes Gooo Soooners! :D


hmmm...Welcome Aboard! :D I hope you enjoy this board to its fullest potencial as it has given me alot of enjoyment! :D again Welcome! :D

cap'n pete

Welcome aboard Joy! We old timers posted pics of ourselves in a little thread a while ago called "Getting to know the people behind their posts". I forget what forum it's in but it always stays near the top and has about 30 pages now and like a million views. That would be a great place to start if you want to find out more about us fishie freaks! There is a guy that does look alikes on there too, so you might get compared to someone famous. :D


Hey Cap, was just searching for that thread you mentioned...looks as if it was canceled or something...i could be mistaken though...and thanks Snakes! : )


Well before you go I would like to say hello. I dont know how cold it is in OK but try living in MI! This site is pretty awesome even if no one can help with my fan worms? I love it anyway!! Salt water creatures are the best!:D


Active Member
Welcome to the board.
I was afraid of that other thread. It was amazingly long.
Here is me. Now people know what I react so strongly to people wanting to step on, flush, or otherwise inhumanely dispose of brittlestars. The secret is out. I do consider myself a brittlestar, and not a serpentstar. Size (of arm spines) doesn't matter. I love being in the ocean. You would never find me in freshwater. I like other brittlestars, and most types of seafood. My dream home is a nice stone structure, but I wouldn't mind hanging out in a nice, comfy spongy place.