Just wanna get to know everybody!


Active Member
Posted a pic in the older post, and it is on RyeBread's site, but here is me with my fiancee.


Active Member
Yeah i go to norman alot too. B/c my mom works there. I havnt been to the lfs there yet. I just might have to check it out.


lol....i'm in Norman at least once a month...*shakes head* lead a boring life in this small town..have to visit the big city once in awhile..haha...anywayz...hope everyone is well..: )


lol....i have this odd obsession with pictures..soooo..heres another one of me :D..its of me and my 6 yr old brother, Cameron. Isn't he just the cutest wittle thing?!..lol...boredom stinks...and if i had a job and money...hey theres an idea..i'm gonna get a job..then..i can have MY own fishtank..lol...No Rocco darling....i'm not a copycat..just starting to look like fun to me...lol


I would post some of my body building pics, but i'm sure the admin wouldn't appreciate it, lol. I'll try to dig up some that are ok for general audiences.


Active Member
Sammy - Puleeeeezzzz.....stop, don't, stop, don't, stop, don't stop. ;) Have you been drinking again or something? If so why didn't you invite me over?
any of ya'll coming to Norman shoot me an email. You can come over see the new tank and give me opinions and advise....I always need advise....yeah you come too Sammy, after all I came to your place last time


little off topic here but i was wondering if you ewver got my mail wrasscal? Bye!


Active Member
That was right before I went to Afghanistan so not having hair was a big plus. I picked up some hair while I was there.


Active Member
It's all good. I've been in the Air Force for about 8yrs now, and I'm bailing. It's been fun while it lasted, but I've got a family to think about now. It's starting to get pretty lame, I'm deployed all the darn time nowadays...but I do pick up some goodies in strange and foreign lands from time to time............


Active Member
Ophiura - April 5th. Starting to get pretty close! We got engaged on October 12th, and thought we had plenty of time to plan. Don't know where that time went now! Just over 2 months left.