Just wanted to show off my tank

Originally Posted by zdthompson
yeah the BTA. do they come in like a violet pink color? i saw one at my LFS for 60 and its about 3 times the size of yours or so. are the good hosts for a tomato clown?
You can look up "Rose Bubble Tip Anemone" from this site. Click on "Inverts" to the left of your screen there.
Mine is about 6"-8" across when fully open. My maroon clown host it within hours. I got the Anemone at 11 o'clock, by 8 o'clock that day, my clown was swimming in it.
Originally Posted by zdthompson
yeah the BTA. do they come in like a violet pink color? i saw one at my LFS for 60 and its about 3 times the size of yours or so. are the good hosts for a tomato clown?
You can look up "Rose Bubble Tip Anemone" from this site. Click on "Inverts" to the left of your screen there.
Mine is about 6"-8" across when fully open. My maroon clown host it within hours. I got the Anemone at 11 o'clock, by 8 o'clock that day, my clown was swimming in it.
Originally Posted by azul1994
Have you had any problems with the damsels?
Not at all! They actually get chase around by the Maroon and the Yellow Tang if they don't behave.


Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
I am trying to find some colorful mushroom and rics to make it looking better. If anybody have any nice looking pieces please let me know.
I got a couple of gorgeous rics from this site for $7.99 each. They both had two mouths when I got them.
Try looking here in the live trading section. There are some great sellers and beautiful zoos that are an easy way to color up your tank.
Love that gorgonian, BTW.

Thanks to all for the comments and sugestions. I will get more lr and corals as well as the black background for the tank. I am saving up for a HOT Skimmer right now.
Originally Posted by dksart
I got a couple of gorgeous rics from this site for $7.99 each. They both had two mouths when I got them.
Try looking here in the live trading section. There are some great sellers and beautiful zoos that are an easy way to color up your tank.
Love that gorgonian, BTW.

I love your rics, what is it called?


Active Member
Awesome corals, dusters, gongorian, and fish! Your tang looks very happy and healthy. For colorful coral recommendations, I love my green striped mushrooms! At least that's what I think they are. Also I love my green open brain coral. What kind of lighting do you have?


I'm turning GREEN over here, you could improve your tank by getting rid of that terible hatian anemone and clown combo, if you could only fid it a good home.......hmmmm.... I know....I've got room! There it's settled, I could definatly take it off your hands, as a service to you, of course!!!!
Your tank looks great, really the clown combo is very nice, like others have said I might try some colorfull zoas or mushrooms.
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Awesome corals, dusters, gongorian, and fish! Your tang looks very happy and healthy. For colorful coral recommendations, I love my green striped mushrooms! At least that's what I think they are. Also I love my green open brain coral. What kind of lighting do you have?
Thanks Mike. I got 260 Watts PC. Looking to upgrade to MH when I have the money
Originally Posted by donald
I'm turning GREEN over here, you could improve your tank by getting rid of that terible hatian anemone and clown combo, if you could only fid it a good home.......hmmmm.... I know....I've got room! There it's settled, I could definatly take it off your hands, as a service to you, of course!!!!
Your tank looks great, really the clown combo is very nice, like others have said I might try some colorfull zoas or mushrooms.
You got me there at first

I love mushrooms
willing to skip lunch for coral.


hey, great looking tank, i was just wondering, with that gargorian is it hard to take care of, i hear they are quiet difficult, but i want one so bad, what do you do to keep it living???


Active Member
I just started a thread asking the same Q. Koldreef said that he had read that they require 2x per day feeding. SWF says high flow and phytoplankton. According to SWF - the red ones they sell are "easy" care level and the yellow deep sea one is "moderate". Yet according to SWF, the yellow is the "hardiest". So i'm not sure what to think...


Active Member
Very Very nice tank... looks awesome... I really like your gorgonian nice piece very full.
Spot feeding them is what makes them difficult, when the polyups are out they are looking for food. ALthough they do benifit from trace elements in your tank all they have to rely on is filter feeding as they are non photosythetic. The tricky part is spot feeding and in a quantity that is safe for your tank. Dosing phyto or zoo can be hazardous if its too much and too frequently. IMO 2 times a week is pleanty and stop all PH's from circulating you will see the phyto sit right around the coral as you feed it. This will ensure a healthy dose and not require you to over feed making sure the polyups get what they want.
Just one more note I dont know what size tank you have but your anenome although seemingly healthy right now may not have the right amount of light. Its appearance from what I can see looks to be a tad bleached on its tenticles and in your pic its foot appears to be losing color about 1/4 of the way down from the base. All Anenomes are high light animals and from what I have been researching t-5 or VHO's is a minimum. If you are upgrading soon then you will prob be ok. IMO Feeding every 2 days or so will help keep it healthy and stress free till then.
Originally Posted by Hefner413
I just started a thread asking the same Q. Koldreef said that he had read that they require 2x per day feeding. SWF says high flow and phytoplankton. According to SWF - the red ones they sell are "easy" care level and the yellow deep sea one is "moderate". Yet according to SWF, the yellow is the "hardiest". So i'm not sure what to think...
Here is a quote from reefkprZ concerning my Gorgogain. "too much light for the gorgonian may cause excess algae growth on its surface smothering the polyps. so subdued light is usually the desired situation for non photosynthetic gorgonians."
Another word, since gorg doesn't need lights to survive, algae needs lights to grow, and gorg do not like algae; keep it down low away from the lights so algae can't grow on them. Other than that, read perfectDark's post below on spot feeding.
Originally Posted by InnerDragon103
Looooovin that maroon clown

Thanks, I like yours too. Mine is still a baby and not quite have the gold stripes yet. But he's getting BIG.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
Here is a quote from reefkprZ concerning my Gorgogain. "too much light for the gorgonian may cause excess algae growth on its surface smothering the polyps. so subdued light is usually the desired situation for non photosynthetic gorgonians."
Another word, since gorg doesn't need lights to survive, algae needs lights to grow, and gorg do not like algae; keep it down low away from the lights so algae can't grow on them. Other than that, read perfectDark's post below on spot feeding.
That is 100% accurate.. also it has been shown to help aiming a power head directly on the gorgonian. This accomplishes 2 things, 1 it keeps any debris and or algea from forming on the coral and 2nd it constantly forces your water column past the coral allowing for a more readily available food source when you dont spot feed. Turn the flow rate down to a nice med low flow and aim it at the gorgonian. Also keep note anything that touches this coral ie. rests against like a piece of LR will cause necrosis in that area of the coral. so its best to keep it free standing.