Just wanted to show off my tank


Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
Thank, here are more pic

How did you manage to get the flowerpot to survive... Please let us know.. I have not been successful with those at all, and i really love them.. Extremely beautiful plant..
Originally Posted by KwikNezy1
How did you manage to get the flowerpot to survive... Please let us know.. I have not been successful with those at all, and i really love them.. Extremely beautiful plant..
Honestly? I brought it home, aclimated for about 15 minutes, put it in th tank, an WA LA!


Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
Honestly? I brought it home, aclimated for about 15 minutes, put it in th tank, an WA LA!

How long h


Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
Honestly? I brought it home, aclimated for about 15 minutes, put it in th tank, an WA LA!

How long has it been in the tank? Cause it looks great...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
This one is a Bubble Tip Anemone, $34.95; also on this site.

that anenome looks insanely bleached for a BTA. there is no color whatsoever to it. otherwise, everything looks nice
Originally Posted by renogaw
that anenome looks insanely bleached for a BTA. there is no color whatsoever to it. otherwise, everything looks nice
The camera didn't do it justice at all. Looks pretty bleached from the pictures I agreed; but I can assure you, he's glowing florescent green all over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adictedtoswf
The camera didn't do it justice at all. Looks pretty bleached from the pictures I agreed; but I can assure you, he's glowing florescent green all over.

cool :) darn flashs mess up some nice pics some times :)


if it were me i would add more rock and contact coraljunky for some killer frags. rics zoos whatever. hes got the coral that killed elvis !! ha ha