Kalk Substitute?



Yup ranger, memory is right... I believe most of them said they were using the Ball brand, available in the canning section of the grocery store. Same stuff as Kalk but way way way cheaper.
Do I use it, no... just relaying what I saw/heard.

ed r

Kalkwasser is a high pH and calcium water mixture. It is used to increase calcium levels and maintain higher pH.
I had trouble finding any stores that sold pickling lime. I received mostly blank looks from clerks who had never heard of it. I ended up ordering online from
<a href="http://www.mrswages.com" target="_blank">www.mrswages.com</a>
They were charging about $1.83 a pound. I ordered ten pounds and paid about $5 for shipping. So instead of LFS high prices for Kent Marine or such, I paid about $2.30 a lb.
Living in the deep south, I had no trouble finding stores that carried it... in stock was another item. $1.30/lb for "Balls" brand. But what ratio to mix it?

ed r

I would start with 1 teaspoon per gallon of make-up water (RO/DI preferred). Then drip it very slowly and monitor the pH frequently. You may need to adjust the rate several times to get it right. Don't mix more than you can use in 4-5 days. Mix it thoroughly for an hour with a small powerhead, then let it settle for several hours or overnight. Then siphon out the clear liquid, avoiding the scum on the very top and the deposits on the bottom. This clear liquid is what you drip.


As I am a beginner at this, I do not understand how to measure the PH in my tank. I got a kit from the LFS and it includes tests for everything, except the ph. So far all levels are fine. I had a flame scallop that bit the dust the other day. Could it be the calcium level and how do I check it? Also something really weired happened. My coral banded shed (for the second time in a month) but this time, it has no front claws...but otherwise it is fine. And if I can ask another question...I have heard some good things about this "Miracle Mud". Any thoughts or comments about it? It sells for 89 bucks a bag here. I live in Michigan so I don't know if that is what it runs elsewhere. And how long is this sale suppose to be going on? I would like to get back to purchasing other things here. Two weeks is long enough.


Active Member
There are several different brands of tests out there that you can pick up from you LFS to test pH and Ca. Miracle Mud is great in a refugium, Garf is about 9 miles from my house and I can pick it up for the low price of 89.99 too :D .