As I am a beginner at this, I do not understand how to measure the PH in my tank. I got a kit from the LFS and it includes tests for everything, except the ph. So far all levels are fine. I had a flame scallop that bit the dust the other day. Could it be the calcium level and how do I check it? Also something really weired happened. My coral banded shed (for the second time in a month) but this time, it has no front claws...but otherwise it is fine. And if I can ask another question...I have heard some good things about this "Miracle Mud". Any thoughts or comments about it? It sells for 89 bucks a bag here. I live in Michigan so I don't know if that is what it runs elsewhere. And how long is this sale suppose to be going on? I would like to get back to purchasing other things here. Two weeks is long enough.