
Ok i have to admit im very frustrated.I thought kalk would be like somthing u add weekly by just dumping some in water and pouring it into the tank. I recently found out it is not like that at all! How do u put it in. How do u make a dripper thingy and adjust the drip rate? I have read people put kalk in 24/7! Wouldnt the tank overflow nad the salinity go way down with all that water? I am just so pissed that u have to like drip it in for hours and hours. HOW DO U DO THIS?

bang guy


Originally posted by thefishfreak03
Wouldnt the tank overflow nad the salinity go way down with all that water?

The idea is to drip the water in at exactly the same rate your water evaporates.
It appears to me that a two-part additive like B-Ionic would be a better choice for you.
Don't forget to check your ALK level, it's even more important than your Calcium level.

nm reef

Active Member
A decent range for calcium is 400-450 ppm and for alkalinity 2.8-3.5 meg/L...its been my experience that kalk alone will not do much to elevate levels of calcium/alkalinity. A good quality combination of additives such as Seachems Reef Builder/Reef Advantage will elevate and establish levels...kalk is great for keeping established levels stable. It does need to be slowly added and if the drip rate is properly adjusted it will replace evaporation. I'd suggest additional research and experience with water chemistry before you start a schedule of kalk additives....:cool:


Here's a good 5.00 DIY dipper......This ones for NMReef, I know he loves it everytime I post this picture:D


Active Member
Hey big mac how did you seal around the tube going into the gas can. I made a dripper out of a rubbermaid tub but I can't get a good seal around the tube and it started leaking on me today. I tried silicone but it doesn't stick to the rubbermaid.


thefishfreak03 - You will still need to use your additives in addition to the kalk to maintain them. Depending on what your tanks needs are. You really don't raise calcium by adding kalk, you simply try to maintain it. Alk will still be used up and you will need to add your buffer. Point is that kalk will help keep them stable and you will find that you will use less of these additives over the long run thereby making kalk a cheaper method of adding alk and calc.


Go to your local ambulance and ask them for a 1000cc iv bag of Normal saline and a standard dripp set. They will usually let you have one and empty it. Use a syringe (medical) to fill it back up with the kalk. The paramedics will usually be willing to show you how to reload the iv bag. Works great!


That gas tank dripper is not a good idea in My op . It looks like the dripping valve is to close to the sediment. I can clearly see a dark area around the vavle which looks like sediment going into the tank.
I think you would be better off using those 5 gal jugs that are used in water coolers. with the siphon tube suspended about an inch or two above the bottom. Plus the contanier is clear so you can see your levels better.
The best tubing Is called Tygon its easly cleaned and the Calcium carbonate doesnt adhere to it as well . Here is a picture of my Top off system that runs 24/7 . I am using an Aqua dose automatic doser that is pretty inexpensive as well it can be dialed in to match your evap rate.
ok i got this now. The kalk will not only add calcium it also acts as a top off system. Once my sump is set up ill have it drip in there. Do i make it drip to match my evap rate? Well here are the important questions. How do i find and a adjust the evap. rate?


Fill your sump to its normal level. Check it 24 hours later and see how much has evaporated. Thats your evaporation rate. I used a whisper air valve as a drip valve, works great, however they no longer make them so you will have to find something else like was suggested with the IV drip line.


While on the subject, does anyone use a float valve for their top off water and kalk drip? Or do most people just go with a straight drip?