


Originally posted by Tunze
It looks like the dripping valve is to close to the sediment.

Naw, lts 1.5" from the bottom....far enough away to worry about that.
Originally posted by Nas19320
Hey big mac how did you seal around the tube going into the gas can.

I never had a problem with sealing it. I just drilled a small hole and shoved the I V dripper in as tight as I could.
Originally posted by thefishfreak03

where did u get the dripper?

My wife is an RN so she gets em all the time. I remember about 12-18 months ago she brought home about 40 untis..I wound up shipping all those things out in just a few days to different people on all the diff BB's.........
Let me know if I can help


Active Member
i use a float valve hooked up to a 7 gallon bucket that i add kalk to and aside from having to clean the valve/tugbing about once a month it wors great!
good luck
Ok.... So does kalk put the levels perfect or not? I just rewad something that says for best results use calciium adder when using kalk. SO WHAT DOES IT DO! I am so frustrated and i have no idea what it does


Active Member
Use supplements to get your levels where you want them then kalk will help to keep them there. You may still need to use supplements every now and then but far less of it whic will save quite a bit of money.