Kalkwasser: Best time to add?



Is there a better time of day or night when to add Kalkwasser -- drip method, but don't have a dispenser... use a water jug with small hole to drip into tank.


can't afford ph meter or automatic dispenser at least until next month. Since I have a FOWLR with inverts such as snails, shrimp, stars, hermits... should I just wait?
I have used B-Ionic as a supplement once a week with water changes.
I do have aquarium pharmac. test kit for ph.
Thanks :)


If 24/7 doseing is out It is best to add at night as not to effect PH swings. I also add Kalk 24/7 for 100% of Evap. water replacement.

bang guy

I agree... at night. With the B-Ionic you'd be better off dosing inbetween water changes. After a water change the water should be pretty good as far as trace elements, Ca, and ALK.


Thanks all. Curious - what piece of equip do i need to dose 24/7 for 100% evap? Where can I buy it online?
In the meantime... dose at night via slow drip from clean water jug w/ tiny hole in it.
Just hope I don't have any jumpers.


New Member
Here is my two cents in order of preference
1) Only drip at night - enough to cover the day's evaporation. Kalk can significantly raise your pH. Your tank's pH will probably be at its peak when you shut off your lights. The optimum would be to start dripping an hour or two after "lights out" and to spread the drip until the lights have been on an hour or two.
2) Drip 24x7
I purchased an enternal pump off of ---- that does a great job (Kangaroo or Sherwood are the most popular brands). These are peristalic pumps that "knead" a length of very flexible tubing to pump the fluids. They will probably need for the feed to be higher than the pump. You can also get lab tubing or peristalic pumps on ----. These can usually "suck" water up to the pump. Search using "tubing pump" "peristalic pump" "Masterflex" "Cole Parmer" etc.
If you get a kalk reactor (Neilson reactor) you can then consider one of the many diaphram pumps as an option since you will be pumping RO and don't have to worry about build up on the inards.