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Okay i hope this sounds good, And sounds right as i am half asleep.
Magnesium plays a important role in a marine enviroment as it is taken up along with cakcium by most animals for the building of their skeletons or shells. Magnesium is the thrid most abundant element in saltwater, after sodium and chloride and approx 3 times the amount of calcium that is very rarely becomes a limiting point in the well being for the animals, particulary when regular water changes are done.
Also to its many biological functions, it serves to prevent the excessive precipitation of cakcium and bicarbonate ,which lowers both the cakcium levels and causes a drop in alkalinty. A low alkalinty makes the tank subject to a sudden drop in pH, which will be most certian death for all tank mates. It is therefore important to ensure that magnesium is maintained at the correct level.
Salinity @ 72' Magnesium level
1.020 1015
1.021 1065
1.022 1120
1.023 1170
1.024 1220
1.025 1270
I hope this help
Is that 72 degrees? At 80 degrees, my salinity has always been 1.024 or 1.025 and our mg levels are around 1100. We do use a refractometer. I think I have read that temperature affects salinity, but my refractometer is supposed to be temperature adjusted automatically. Am I missing something?