
d0 thy d3w

wow bang! thanks for the help!! that really is a brainfull of information!...now if i just get a masters degree in chemistrys..i might understand it all!!! i get some of it..but other stuff in it is a bit confusing!..dot bother explaining tho..if i must ill just go re-read it later.once again thanx for the help!

bang guy

Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
wow bang! thanks for the help!! that really is a brainfull of information!...now if i just get a masters degree in chemistrys..i might understand it all!!! i get some of it..but other stuff in it is a bit confusing!..dot bother explaining tho..if i must ill just go re-read it later.once again thanx for the help!
If you need any of the concepts explained or have a specific question please feel free to ask. I have quite a bit of experience with kalkwasser (limewater) and I'm happy to share my eperiences.