KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary

Yeah I don't know her well, pmed her a few times complimenting her beautiful artwork with her cubes :) I hope she feels better if she is sick, and can't wait to see a new FTS.


Active Member
Hmmmmmm so regina is gone......kat is gone............I am getting a little creeped out..........


she probably got a boyfriend and is spending all of her time with him.


Active Member
Or she coulda lost her password or lost internet connection period. I mean come on guys if she wants to come on here and talk to us she will come back. Us begging for her to come back and everything isnt gonna make her show up all of a sudden. Only way you can really find out is if you got her number. NWDYR you were always talking to her and stuff you shoulda got her number from a PM or something. You aint got no game bro. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Or she coulda lost her password or lost internet connection period. I mean come on guys if she wants to come on here and talk to us she will come back. Us begging for her to come back and everything isnt gonna make her show up all of a sudden. Only way you can really find out is if you got her number. NWDYR you were always talking to her and stuff you shoulda got her number from a PM or something. You aint got no game bro. LOL
hahahaha come NWDYR aint got no game lol!!!! dats funny!!!
If she would lost her password she woulda just made another account. Could be withoput internet
... neways we miss her


Active Member
thanks nice you 2 knuckle heads on Kims thread talkin s&^% about me hmmmm I think you 2 need to find a hobby...ever think about SWF????


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hahahaha come NWDYR aint got no game lol!!!! dats funny!!!
If she would lost her password she woulda just made another account. Could be withoput internet
... neways we miss her

She just has not been on the site in a while.
I can't believe no one caught this. She has her myspace page in her profile. Click that and you can see she logged in today. She is perfectly okay. Probably just very busy.


Oh, wow! You guys are funny and sooo sweet! I can't believe that there were actually people who worried about me? awww...
anyway, I am fine. I was very sick for about a month with a wicked cold that ended up turning into "walking pneumonia" and I was on some pretty heavy duty medicine. All better now. I've been overwhelmed at work, working lots of overtime with opening up a new dialysis clinic, hiring new staff, interviewing new Dr.'s, seeing patients, getting them prepared for dialysis, etc. Thank God I gave up my 29 or everything in it would have died by now!

Speaking of my 29, I've visited my tank and my babies about 6 times now since it's been at my LFS and I must say that I am very pleased with the decision that I made and I feel at peace. They have the tank set up in the middle of the store and my babies now get lots of attention from everyone that stops by, especially my n-a-k-e-d clowns.
My LFS told me that they've had to order several pairs of them from ORA because people fell in love with the ones in my tank! They've kept everything in the tank, added some of their stuff to it and the aquascape looks totally different - looks better, to me! I couldn't be happier about the decision I made.

My 14 is thriving and doing very well. I'm gonna have to take my elegance somewhere and get someone to frag it for me or something because that thing has gotten HUGE! I've had to move other corals higher up and out of the way because it's tentacles are reaching over and killing things. It killed 2 of my blastos already.
My clove polyps are growing everywhere - it's grown up onto the back wall and about to go into the back chamber. I've got star polyps growing on the side glass.
I cannot even tell you how many heads my duncans have now. Those things are super fast growers! My clowns are doing wonderfully. Their black coloring is starting to come in nicely, especially on the female. The possum wrasse, still as sweet as can be. I will try
to post some pics sometime this weekend if I get a chance to.

I'll still be around, probably not as active as I have been.
Aside from busy work and life, I got myself a Nintendo DS and an iPod Touch that I've found myself glued to every free chance I get.
Yeah, I'm a big dork.
I will definately try to keep up with my thread here with posts and updates!~

Oh, and if anyone ever needs to get in touch with me, I always make sure to check into my myspace at least once a day.
The link is in my profile. :)