KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Wanted to share some pics of my 29 gallon Biocube. Had a 14 gallon Biocube that became waaaay overstocked and took some of my livestock, plus all of the livestock from a 2 1/2 month old 29 gallon Biocube set up and put it together!

I had posted a thread under my original username about changing out tanks with one that was set up at the LFS and was going to update that thread, but found out when I tried to log in today that apparently my e-mail was hacked and I couldn't get my password reset so I just got a new username!

Anyway, the only modifications that I've done on this tank is had the lip widened from chamber 1 to chamber 2 to allow for more flow, modified the stock filter cartridge with filter floss, put Purigen in chamber 1 and Chemi-pure Elite in chamber 2. I also added a Hydor Koralia 1 to the display to add more flow.
Anyway, here are some pics that I wanted to share.



Originally Posted by paintballer768
First pic in Part 2...what is that? Its so pretty
It's a toadstool leather. I saw it and HAD to have it!


Originally Posted by ReefJR12
Love the candy cane (i think) Part 2 pic #5. Nice tank overall though, beautiful corals.
Yep, they're candy canes and came from my 14 gallon. Thanks so much for the comment!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
It's a toadstool leather. I saw it and HAD to have it!

Ah ok. I gotta get myself one of those now that they look so nice


Originally Posted by rupertlilly
FABULOUS - you've inspired me!
awww... thanks! That's so sweet of you to say that!
Lauren (Demartini) has actually inspired me!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
WOW very nice I love the toad stool...
Thanks! When I saw it at the LFS, I fell in love with it and just had to have it!

I've actually posted some comments in your 29 gallon thread when I had my other user name "xokarmaxo". You have a pretty fabulous tank yourself!


Posting some updates....
Changes that I've made to my tank since the last update:
Traded the pink plate coral
Traded the rock with the red mushrooms
Traded the small toadstool leather frag
Traded my sixline wrasse for a yellow fin fairy wrasse
added another Hydor Koralia 1 to the display
multiple zoo frags
gorgeous deep purple and orange feather duster
New frogspawn:

New deep purple and orange feather duster:

New yellow fin fairy wrasse (who is still in hiding!)

My bicolor blenny, on the other hand, LOVES to get his pic taken! LOL!