Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)


Active Member
it makes sence, since I only have 8lbs or LR mine has less room to hide and what not when you have alarger tank with more room and more hiding spots.


hey kat the tank is looking great! My star hasn't tried to escape yet, although he did wrap himself around one of my nass snails! i had to break them apart and feed him. Sorry about the ltp though, it looks like its a gonner.


Active Member
Thanks Mel!
When you fed your star do you acctually put the food to its mouth? Do I have to spot feed it? Or just feed the tank and hell grab soemthing?
The LTP has looked like that for so long lol, it still extends its tenticles once in a while so I think its a fighter. But I've tried everything to help it so I guess I'll just leave it untill it finally dies.


most of the time the star will feed on whatever it finds. i feed my tank alot and do alot of water changes. he usually comes out when i feed the tank and starts grabbing things close enough to it to reach. but sometimes i spot feed it by using a seringe (without a needle) and shooting some food inside it's favorite cave and he gobbles it up! be carful though, they get pretty freaked out and run away if you get too close with the seringe.


Mine eats whatever goes in the cave but I have hand fed it before. If you touch it with your hand it will zip back but if it touches food then it will grab it. However, the shrimp usually come out and grab the food before the star lumbers out to get it.


My freakin Halloween hermits just ate a blue zoa I just got yesterday

I removed the 2 in my 29G and they are now in the dungeon a.k.a SUMP

THEN I look in the 54G and a halloween is eating my new unknown zoas

I now have 3 halloweens in the sump
JUST thought I'd warn you...You still have some don't you???


Active Member
Thats wierd.. Why is everythjing eating eachother in your tanks???!??!?!?!?
Nothing has been attacked min my tank yet! By anything! lol
I acctually spot feed everything in the tank though, to make sure no one is hungry enough to fight, maybe thats why.


LOL...Believe me...my tanks are well fed.....IDK what is up....BUT I was not taking any chances, so I moved them


Active Member
Yeah I would also, or leave them i nthere to watch their actions. I dont see why they would eat corals, since they are reef safe??? wierd. Somethings out of whack in your tanks! Keep a close eye on everything.
My holloween hermits even chill on corals, and nothing ever goes missing. So I dont know
How big are yours?


Active Member
hmm i think one of mine is larger then that, so I guess it doesnt have anything to do with size.
Are you sure it was the hermit that ate the zoas? Maybe you have a fireworm or soemthingt hat eats corals?


NO...I actually saw it on top of it...the zoa was there....I left the room....came back....hermie on top...zoa gone....case closed...GUILTY.
...they look like they are having a blast in the fuge though...LOL


Active Member
Wont they eat all your cheato? I need something in my fuge to trim up my cheato. Its overflowing haha. The whole fuge is green. I also have this really cool red stringy algae growinf o nthe pipes in the fuge, kid of looks like cheatto but its a more like a carpet rather than a ball.
Tonight you would have been proud of my cooking skills! I made my G.F dinner. Tomato bocconcini bread, balsamic chicken over a bed of jasmin rice, and a nice greek salad ahha. She took care of the desert (carrot cake).
The best part is, no one died! hhahaha