Keep the damsels??


HI! I have a 30 gal set up for 7 weeks, just finished cycling. Did intitial water change last week and took water to LFS for test. It was ready for fish!! Since, I have added a clown, a volitan lion (medium size), and 5 snails. I also still have 4 damsels in the tank from the cycling. I tested my water just now...ammonia .25, nitrate 5, nitrite .01-.02...all high. I was wondering if I should take some or all of the damsels out? Would this help keep my levels down? Thanks! (I also have a 55 gal, just did first water change tonight...will have same question with that one I am sure!)
Have 6 lbs LR and CC...


Whenever you add fish to a tank, there will be a small spike of ammonia then nitrites as your bacteria need time to grow to catch up to the new load. One the of things suggested is to add fish slowly (like 1 fish every two weeks).
From everything I've read, you tank will fix itself shortly. You still have alot of fish for a 30 gallon. Unless you add alot more LR, you will have to do frequent water changes to keep your nitrates under control.
I'd move some of the damsels, all of them if you can.


I dunno *laughs* Everyone has questions about feeding freshwater fish to saltwater fish...I've never encountered this question before :eek: /me puts on dunce cap


My LFS advised feeding small goldfish to my Lion...does this seem correct??
My Oscar is very hearty and will eat anything I stick in the tank..maybe I will give it a try...

bang guy


Originally posted by jennlegend
My LFS advised feeding small goldfish to my Lion...does this seem correct??

Nope, this is wrong is many ways. Post a question on feeding a lionfish in the aggressive forum and the experts there can advise you. basically the goldfish do not have the appropriate nutrients and you'll end up with a fat, listless lionfish that will have a premature death caused by liver failure.


What would you really suggest to do with the damsels...I have considered the the toilet, but I just could not bring myself to do that!
Simply give them back to the LFS. To be in this hobby you have to have a certain amount of respect for the animals you are adding to your tank. Even though damsels are the devil, that does not make them less an animal than other fish. You can do what you wish with your fish, it just pains me to see people so quick to just "eliminate" unwanted fish without taking any responsibility for their welfare. Damsels did not want to be in captivity, they were least give them a chance to live in a LFS tank or someone else's tank. ;)
If you decide to remove them do it now before you add any more live rock. They are hard to catch.
We recycled our damsels....literally....they have survived cycling 4 tanks. Are they tough or what?


i still have my damsel i cycled with..would'nt have cycled with a live fish if i had found this board first...he gets a little cranky at times, but he's sorta like my first born...i'll just build my tank around him.


New Member
I can't believe anyone would flush fish. Take them back to the fish store for heaven's sake.
You have way too much for a 30 gallon tank. I think only an expert could make that work.


I have a 30 gallon with a clown and two yellow tailed damsels. I plan on keeping the damsels. How big will they get? Same question with the clown. Im also gonna get a baby tomato clown. I know how big they get, just wondering if my tank will be large enough for all of them.