Kentucky Fragging


Active Member
i got there too late, and they were closed at 5. WHAT THE HECK did they close at 5 on saturday

wel they will frag my polyps for free to. im excited about that :joy:
hows it going dub


Hey ICfish did u ever get a chance to go over and check out Animal House in cynthiana? I went over last weekend and bought a toadstool for 24 bucks. If you havent been over to it would be worth your drive.


Hey DblR,
Haven't made it over there yet, but if they have toadstool for 24.00, I'll probably be making the trip this weekend.


it was a smaller one but its still a real nice coral. They are open until 7 on saturday and closed sunday. Tell who ever u talk to that Drew from Georgetown sent you they will know who I am. They sell frags real cheap to, I got a rock with some real small orange and yellowish zoo's for 15 bucks it has 10-15 polyps. They dont sell diseased fish like most stores would they have a big flame angel that has some kind of disease and there not selling it until it gets better.


Hey rubber you can make it over there in 25-30 minutes from lexington. If your parents are against it tell them you will do some xtra chores around the house that day or something. Save up some money before you go that way you can buy more than one coral to make the trip worthwhile.


hey duck,
i live in the northern kentucky area. im also 15. im just gettin all my equipment this week hopefully. as soon as my tank gets under way ill frag some stuff and sell it to ya. what high school do u go to?