Ok, specs
tank: 55 gal "all glass"
filtration: Emperor 400 (upgrading soon)
skimmer: none (upgrading soon)
lighting: 2x 24" florescent fixtures
sand: 30 lbs. Agromax sand
Live Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
Base Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
heater: 300 watt Jebo heater
temp: 80 degrees
specific gravity: 1.023
ornaments: clay pots for eel (will be removed when i get lr and br)
Ok, as of today I "set" up the tank.
1.) cleaned sand as best as i could
2.) added sand to bottom of tank
3.) added cold water so i wouldnt use up all the hot water
4.) turned on heater and filter
5.) poured 55 gal. salt mix into tank to dissolve
6.) sat and watched the cloudy water for an hour
7.) disliked how cloudy the water was
8.) hoped and prayed for the water to be clear in the morning hahahaha.
I will get pictures of my process up sometime this next week maybe by monday....will keep you posted on the tank as it moves along.
does anyone have a fish list for a 55 aggressive?
i was thinking in the lines around
humu hmu triggers
another eel maybe
im not going to put all those fish in but those are some thoughts........
as of now the fish i have had for a year (damsels, SFE) are in a 5.5 quarentine tank till the paramters are fine.
thanks all for reading and good night...... :joy:
ps. is the sp ok at 1.023 in a FOWLR?
also how bout the temp?
tank: 55 gal "all glass"
filtration: Emperor 400 (upgrading soon)
skimmer: none (upgrading soon)
lighting: 2x 24" florescent fixtures
sand: 30 lbs. Agromax sand
Live Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
Base Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
heater: 300 watt Jebo heater
temp: 80 degrees
specific gravity: 1.023
ornaments: clay pots for eel (will be removed when i get lr and br)
Ok, as of today I "set" up the tank.
1.) cleaned sand as best as i could
2.) added sand to bottom of tank
3.) added cold water so i wouldnt use up all the hot water
4.) turned on heater and filter
5.) poured 55 gal. salt mix into tank to dissolve
6.) sat and watched the cloudy water for an hour
7.) disliked how cloudy the water was
8.) hoped and prayed for the water to be clear in the morning hahahaha.
I will get pictures of my process up sometime this next week maybe by monday....will keep you posted on the tank as it moves along.
does anyone have a fish list for a 55 aggressive?
i was thinking in the lines around
humu hmu triggers
another eel maybe
im not going to put all those fish in but those are some thoughts........
as of now the fish i have had for a year (damsels, SFE) are in a 5.5 quarentine tank till the paramters are fine.
thanks all for reading and good night...... :joy:
ps. is the sp ok at 1.023 in a FOWLR?
also how bout the temp?