Kevin's Aggressive Tank Journal.......


Ok, specs
tank: 55 gal "all glass"
filtration: Emperor 400 (upgrading soon)
skimmer: none (upgrading soon)
lighting: 2x 24" florescent fixtures
sand: 30 lbs. Agromax sand
Live Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
Base Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
heater: 300 watt Jebo heater
temp: 80 degrees
specific gravity: 1.023
ornaments: clay pots for eel (will be removed when i get lr and br)
Ok, as of today I "set" up the tank.
1.) cleaned sand as best as i could
2.) added sand to bottom of tank
3.) added cold water so i wouldnt use up all the hot water
4.) turned on heater and filter
5.) poured 55 gal. salt mix into tank to dissolve
6.) sat and watched the cloudy water for an hour

7.) disliked how cloudy the water was :mad:
8.) hoped and prayed for the water to be clear in the morning hahahaha.
I will get pictures of my process up sometime this next week maybe by monday....will keep you posted on the tank as it moves along.

does anyone have a fish list for a 55 aggressive?
i was thinking in the lines around
humu hmu triggers
another eel maybe
im not going to put all those fish in but those are some thoughts........
as of now the fish i have had for a year (damsels, SFE) are in a 5.5 quarentine tank till the paramters are fine.
thanks all for reading and good night...... :joy:

ps. is the sp ok at 1.023 in a FOWLR?
also how bout the temp?
The triggers will get too big for the tank for sure. And I wouldn't put the two sfe in together, that would be pretty crowded, and hard to keep the water quality. But there are still plenty of options, your sp and temp seem fine aswell.


how bout this a puffer valentines, and saddle backs and any type of small ones? Or would they be to aggressive towards each other.........could you keep a trigger in the 55 for a bit until it got to big?


Active Member
i had two sfes together at one time, nasty sight, had to take apart my filtration system to get one out when they had a fight, didnt work in my 90, wont work in a 55. the puffer is a posibility as well as a dwarf lion altho choose one or the other since it might be a lil crowded w/ 3 fish


Well, today the tank is still cloudy but a little better than last night parameters are as follows
ph. 8.2
amm. 0 ppm
trite. 0 ppm
trate. 0 ppm
Does anyone know how much longer the tank will be cloudy? Im not in a rush to start the cycle with my damsels since I have all of this week of but the cloudyness is a eyesore.


Well, as of 7:31 pm on Sunday February 18 The tank has my SFE and two damsels in it. The tank is still a little cloudy but not as much as earlier this morning. I can acualy see the whole sandbed now......The only thign is that there is a cloudy film on the bottom so whenever my damsel darts of it kicks up this beacause I added the salt straight to the tank or the dust I didn't get out fo the sand before? I'm sure it will go away but im just woundering. Also things are going just fine with the fish at the eel is exploring and the damsels seem to think they are still in the 20 beacause they seem to have made a berrier where they won't swim past lol..........
thanks for reading,


So, you set up the tank yesterday and you put in two damsels and an eel today.....i dunno but that doesn't seem quite right to me.....


Too fast....You need to be patient and let the tank cycle. Your damsels might make it but the eel won't. They need to go back into the qt asap. If the tank is still cloudy, the salt might not be mixed all the way either. I bet the temp isn't up yet.


do you not know about tanks needing to cycle? i think you are breaking the cardinal rule. unless there is something you are not telling us. most tanks need weeks to be ready for fish to be put in them. good luck...i guess


Active Member
well if hes using stuff from another tank (aka 75% of the water, all the lr and ls) then the cycle should be little none at all


Originally Posted by reefboy12
Ok, specs
tank: 55 gal "all glass"
filtration: Emperor 400 (upgrading soon)
skimmer: none (upgrading soon)
lighting: 2x 24" florescent fixtures
sand: 30 lbs. Agromax sand
Live Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
Base Rock: 0 lbs. (upgrading soon)
heater: 300 watt Jebo heater
temp: 80 degrees
specific gravity: 1.023
ornaments: clay pots for eel (will be removed when i get lr and br)
Ok, as of today I "set" up the tank.
1.) cleaned sand as best as i could
2.) added sand to bottom of tank
3.) added cold water so i wouldnt use up all the hot water
4.) turned on heater and filter
5.) poured 55 gal. salt mix into tank to dissolve
6.) sat and watched the cloudy water for an hour

7.) disliked how cloudy the water was :mad:
8.) hoped and prayed for the water to be clear in the morning hahahaha.
I will get pictures of my process up sometime this next week maybe by monday....will keep you posted on the tank as it moves along.

does anyone have a fish list for a 55 aggressive?
i was thinking in the lines around
humu hmu triggers
another eel maybe
im not going to put all those fish in but those are some thoughts........
as of now the fish i have had for a year (damsels, SFE) are in a 5.5 quarentine tank till the paramters are fine.
thanks all for reading and good night...... :joy:

ps. is the sp ok at 1.023 in a FOWLR?
also how bout the temp?
Well...It might just be me, but I don't think I saw that anywhere in his previous threads. It would definitely work if he did it that way, but if that's how he went about it, then he lied to everyone in previous threads. I was under the impression that he did not have any live rock but that he would be "Upgrading soon."
no skimmer yet either...hmmm


yes I know about the rule of thmb that I need to cycle the tank for al least 3-6 weeks before adding fish but in the 20 or so tanks (4 of them sw tanks) I've had in the past I checked water parameters over the 3 weeks and nothing changed.......I added fish food to the tanks to intice a ammonia spike but it did I felt that they should be alright.....the fish are doing fine and are eating everything, the cloudyness went away and now it's crystal clear. I did not add anything from any of my other tanks it was from scratch.....I don't have any live rock yet but I am in the process of getting 100 lb. base rock and 20 lb. live rock. And I am also in the process of getting a protein skimmer. Also If a spik of ammonia comes and wipes out my damsels then I wouldn't really care they are annoying and i'm trying to find them a new home.
hope this explains something to you guys.


also just so you guys know i'm not adding any other fish for a couple months either not untill I get my br and lr.


Member can do what you please. i'm no expert, but i've just always known that what you are doing is wrong. all i can say is "good luck and i hope nothing dies". some things will die, though. it's a fact.
the only way you will learn your lesson is if it all dies. unfortunate, but you need to listen to what we say. we're not out to hurt your feelings or deprive you of having something cool in your tank right away. we simply want you to learn the proper way of doing things. this is not proper.


Yes I know you guys are out for my own good.......but what is done is done and I just need to learn from my mistakes if they all will be my fault...thanks everyone though for the help.....