Kids Do/Say The Darndest Things...


Active Member
i go to pick up my kiddos this evening from daycare... my son is 6 my daughter 9... i ask em the typical questions on the ride home after football practice... "how was school, what did you do, did you learn something new, what was your favorite part of the day, what did you eat for lunch"... my son says "i had a hot dog and it was disgusting"... so i ask him why... "well i wanted to put mayo on my hot dog so i asked the lunch server if i could have some. she gave me a little cup of it. so i went and sat down and put mayo ketchup and relish on my hot dog. i took a bite and it tasted gross. so i licked the ketchup it tasted fine, i licked the relish it tasted fine and i licked the mayo and it didnt taste like mayo"... i was laughin and said "what did it taste like?"... he said "like that one white stuff we put on tacos." i said "SOUR CREAM?"... he said "ya thats it sour cream." i said "what did you do?"... "i ate it and it was disgusting"... i couldnt stop laughin the whole way home...

THEN... i make my kiddos take showers and when the get out i smell their hair to see if it smells like the shampoo to make sure they actually washed it... my son comes out and says... "done dad and i dried my self off and i combed my hair!" i said "come here and let me smell your hair"... he comes over i take a whiff and say "smells good"... he says "you wana smell my butt cuz i washed it with the shampoo too."...
OMG i busted up!!!


HAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious!!!
i said "come here and let me smell your hair"... he comes over i take a whiff and say "smells good"... he says "you wana smell my butt cuz i washed it with the shampoo too."
I would have said the same thing! You smell their hair? LOL
I want to know what kind of mayo that school serves if it tastes like sour cream......eeks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
HAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious!!!
I would have said the same thing! You smell their hair? LOL
I want to know what kind of mayo that school serves if it tastes like sour cream......eeks!
it wasnt mayo... it was sour cream that they gave him... lol... and yes i do smell their hair cuz there have been times they try to pull a fast one and skip washing their hair...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You smell their hair? LOL
All parents smell their kids hair. At least I used to think so...
My wife has occasionally sniffed an armpit.
I really had to think twice before hitting submit wife will kill me if she reads this.

el guapo

Active Member
Kids are awesome ! I sure do love mine some of the things they say and do just make you laugh for hours .


Active Member
yup sniff the hair, ask the questions, did you use soap, did you wash your pits. It always reminds me of bill cosby. get in the shower, turn on the water, use soap, other wise they would just get in a wander around the tub.


HAHAHAHA, hilarious. you never said whether you sniffed his butt or not...
, thye probably had a fart waiting for you

My little cousin stays over occasionaly and he tries to get out of brushing his teeth, so he tries to get me to smell his breath, cant do it
, but i do smell his hair.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
HAHAHAHA, hilarious. you never said whether you sniffed his butt or not...
, thye probably had a fart waiting for you

LOL... no i did not take a whiff... i was laughing too hard...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
OMG........I just caught this. This is hysterical.
mayo on a hotdog???

mayo pretty much goes on everything that has bread... i guess its a west thing... one of my faves is to dip my artichoke leaves in mayo!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
mayo pretty much goes on everything that has bread... i guess its a west thing... one of my faves is to dip my artichoke leaves in mayo!!!
and I'm from missouri...
Ketchup and mayo on fries.

Ketchup and mayo on corndogs.

Ketchup and mayo on a chikin sammich.

I guess I like ketchup and mayo on food.

Mayo iz good stuff


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
and I'm from missouri...
Ketchup and mayo on fries.

Ketchup and mayo on corndogs.

Ketchup and mayo on a chikin sammich.

I guess I like ketchup and mayo on food.

Mayo iz good stuff


Originally Posted by ruaround
mayo pretty much goes on everything that has bread... i guess its a west thing... one of my faves is to dip my artichoke leaves in mayo!!!
Mayo is the best! Hellmans if that is offered in your region.
I have not done the artichoke mayo thing in years.. its like crab legs, alot of work for little substance but is well worth it.


Active Member
Ha! Your kid is funny!
Mmmm...mayo.....what is this artichoke and mayo thing you speak of?


Active Member
I like the artichoke has lots of mayo

mayo on mater sandwich
mayo on hamburgers
mayo on chix sands
mayo on BLT

but the hot dog still has me baffled


(miracle whip is okay on some items too....sometimes)