Kid's Reef Tank: 26g aquarium reset!


Well-Known Member
So I volunteered to help my 15yo cousin reset his tank. He'd gotten discouraged with it earlier when he made some typical newb mistakes (no QT, one fish crashed the entire tank) and he'd been letting the tank sit dead in his room for a few months. This is what I came in to....brace yourselves....

I was glad to see the filter and heater had been turned off and removed. He'd washed the SW out of the filter, works fine. The thing on the left that looks like a giant turd is a nice sized piece of LR. Just for shiggles, I tested the SG of the water with his hydrometer. It didn't even measure on the pole, it floated too high! We're talking saltier than the dead sea here. Here's a nice thing, though: I scrubbed off all the schmutz from the live rock while it was in the tankwater, then I (very carefully) smelled it. Believe it or not, it smelled fine! Oh, sure, all the little clams and whatnot that usually comes on LR were long dead, but the rock itself was good. I'm keeping it and using it to help his cycle. Here's the tank after the water and sand came out:

And later, after everything was cleaned and scrubbed...clean as a whistle!

Here's where we're at now. 15 lbs of live sand, 20 lbs of dry sand. I'm building tufa rock towers to go in his tank of those later when I get to them.

Part of the deal we made with this reset was that I would make weekly visits to check on the tank, do 5g water changes every other week, etc. His job is to do the daily stuff, clean the glass, test his own chemistry. We'll see. His mom now has a QT tank for their 90g setup, so there's no excuse not to QT properly now. I'm working with him to make a good stock list for a tank this size, and he's got a 92w t5 fixture (that I'm 'borrowing' currently for my seahorse tank) for some lps and softies when he reaches that point.


Well-Known Member
yeah, he's getting a little more LR to help seed the tufa rock towers. The tufa will turn live in a short amount of least, live enough in terms of bacteria, anyway.

....besides, if he doens't keep up with the tank.....I got a nice spot in my bedroom all picked out for a tank just this size!

eric b 125

that's cool you're helping out giovanni. i love setting up tanks. do you have any idea what direction you ( i mean your cousin...
) are heading as far as a stock list? are you going to add a skimmer?


Well-Known Member
LOL for a second I was thinking "how the heck did he know his name??" Then I noticed the name history thing on his wall.

I would like to add a skimmer, but I' not sure where we're going to go in that department. I know he's on a serious budget, and I don't have the dough for a hundred dollar skimmer for him. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the Fission nano protein skimmer.....after all, I suppose this is technically a nano aquarium at 26 gallons!
As for fish, I know he wants a black and white ocelaris clown. I want to give him a good sand-sifter goby to help maintenance, his clown, maybe a flasher wrasse of some kind, and one more midlevel peaceful fish....maybe a PJ cardinal. 4 small fish in this tank is more than enough for color and movement.....may be pushing it in fact. But that's at least 3-4 weeks down the road, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
are you suggesting that "kids" cant have reef tanks? In fact I specifically mentioned the LPS and softies I want to start him out with when his tank matures in post one.

why wouldn't a kid be able to take care of a reef tank? No reason I can think of, unless said kid wasn't interested in corals...


Well-Known Member
More for this evening. I'm using foam and tufa columns for the bulk of his rockwork. This is similar to live framing in that the rock is hung off of a PVC frame, but instead of drilling each and every rock with a small pvc plug, I'm foaming all the rock in place. There are blank spots where I will cut "caves" into the pvc pipe tomorrow, then I'll finish with a thin layer of foam around the opening to make it look more natural. Also I'll apply a thin layer of foam to the back of the column so I can sculpt in a rock-like look into the rear corners. So, without further ado.......
Both together:

Right column:

Left column:

Each column is roughly 19 inches tall. The base is supported with extra pvc rings to make sure the column won't go falling in the aquarium, and this section will also be buried in the sandbed and further weighted down with live rock. I'll cut into the expanded foam tomorrow when it's cured to keep the jagged rock look even throughout the column. More tomorrow, hopefully!


Well-Known Member
well the morning report is promising. Everything set up nicely for the front of the columns, so I flipped them over and applied a thin skin of foam to the back. After that's dry, I'll cut the caves and snap a few pics before I sculpt the foam.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much done.
Caves cut out, and foam starting to be carved:

The back of the column is just foam, but it's never gonna be seen. Still, I carved it out a little so anyone seeing the reflection will just see more rock-like shapes.

And here's a sample of something new I'm trying. I know he'll have a while before the rock turns live, or grows coralline, so.......I misted some krylon fusion purple on the columns. Not a lot, but enough so the cave cutout won't look too weird, and the paint blends the rock and foam together quite nicely.

I'll let this cure for 24 hours, so it'll be in his tank probably tomorrow night. What do you think so far?


Well-Known Member
Update as of this morning. I decided to wait a few more hours in order to make sure the paint had fully cured, and would not affect the foam in any way. So far, so good -- the foam was the same firmness, the paint was cured, and there was no ester smell from the paint of the pvc cement. So I took a trip over to their house this morning. I came in to this:

What a nice, clean, clear tank! Too bad I'm about to mess it up... :))
Here's a shot from the top down after I've added the columns. I drained about 5g of water from the tank to avoid any displacement mishaps (been there before!!!) and I had to dig out the sandbed where the columns were going to sit. As you can see, even sitting directly on the glass bottom, they only barely fit. I have 1/2 inch clearance between the rock and the glass lid.

And here's how I left it. We used a combination sand that had some very fine sugar sand in it, so digging around like this really clouds up the tank. It's a heck of a lot better than the crushed coral & shell sand he had in there originally, however!

I don't expect to be over at his place again until Wednesday at the earliest, so I'll have to wait and see how well I placed the columns. So far it's been a fun project.....can't wait for the cycle to finish up!


Well-Known Member
Well, I went back to check his tank today. It's been almost a week, but his cycle is starting slowly....looks like that so-caled live rock was deader than I gave it credit. It's probably pretty baked.....amm was barely reading at .5 ppm. I'll be going back tomorrow, so I'll throw a raw shrimp in the tank, and maybe add a couple pounds of cycled live rock to get things moving.
In the meantime, here's some pics of the rock columns now that the water is all clear. Not too shabby.....
Left side:

Right side:

And a full tank shot:

After seeing the pictures, it's pretty clear that I'll be needing a background for his tank soon. Probably just simple black posterboard will suffice. And I don't like that powerhead there, either. I think I'll use a Koralia 1 and put it to the right side of the heater, angled towards the right side water surface.
So, what do you think of the finsihed rock?


Active Member
looks good so far but why not paint the back of the tank or atleast put up a black background?


I'm liking the rock columns a lot. I would definitely ditch that powerhead for a koralia, and painting the back black would probably be a good idea. He's going to like this tank a lot once it gets going. Kids CAN handle reef tanks... I'm 14 and managing a 46g mixed reef =]


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like I said in post 15, I'm going to add a black background. And of course younger people can handle reef tanks. Age isn't the issue with this sort of thing.....desire is.

Glad people are liking the rock columns!


The purple paint was a nice touch... would have never thought of that. Just a quick question, is that grape caulerpa on the large rock?