Killer Worm (looks to be a brisstle that is thirsty for blood)


Active Member
So, did you get that second monster out of your tank? I had bristle worms in my tank...and spaghetti worms, and a lot of the other harmless critters that show up in a new tank, but thank goodness I've never had anything of that size. My biggest bristle worm was about 5" long and has been gone for a long time...since my crabs, fish, and coral banded shrimp went in...whew, dodged that bullet!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
well, the second one is in the bucket, cuz we're bringing that one back to the lfs to see whats going on, btu i left the otehr in the bucket, which ofcourse my rock fell in when i wasn't looking and its back in the rock... i wish i could just like blast it with my hose adn kill/knock everything out of it... but i dont think that'd replacement fish ideas now are Jawfish and 2 clowns


Active Member
well, i just blasted my rock with the hose :) rock looks awesome, its really red and purple now, but the water below is murky and sucks... i'll give updates if i get any...and pics too


A read a paper from a biologist saying that bristle worms are actually beneficial to your tank. The reason being is, because they don't eat anything healthy, they just eat things that are dead or dying. They can sense chemicals that sick organisms give off. So I would probably guess that your snail was dead or dying before the worm started eating it. But be that as it may, isn't there an organsim that you can just buy and place in your tank that can diet on bristle worms?


Yeah there is. I think its some sort of butterfly that will eat them. Not too sure, but I know that there is a fish that eats them!


Originally Posted by brandond20
A read a paper from a biologist saying that bristle worms are actually beneficial to your tank. The reason being is, because they don't eat anything healthy, they just eat things that are dead or dying. They can sense chemicals that sick organisms give off. So I would probably guess that your snail was dead or dying before the worm started eating it. But be that as it may, isn't there an organsim that you can just buy and place in your tank that can diet on bristle worms?

I think if you got a lot of arrow crabs might eat it


Ya I mean there has to be some sort of natural predator of them that you can put in your tank to help with your worms.


Active Member
I've got a ten, and i've stripped it down to see if i can find another, and no other have been found, just two in the rock (the rock has holes and tunnels and its just one big wierd rock) From the people who have seen it they say that its not a bristle worm, cuz bristle worms aren't this big, and the snail was crawling up the rock cleaning, and the worm came out of the bottom of the rock to the top and killed it, so yea. . . i kno bristle worms are good, so i dont think it is one

bang guy

It's definately a Bristleworm, not doubt whatsoever. I can't tell what kind it is from the pictures though.


Active Member
Yea, i got a little update now, they said its either a bristle or a red... but it shouldnt have done anything to the fish, so tehy sampled my water and said it was great, they were surprised i've kept a ten gallon and had such great water quality (i've had it for over 3 months, not one water change) and since the water is great and all of my really hardy fish (2 damsels, 1 clown) died they would definately give me a great deal on some fish to replace them. They even took a microscope to see if they could find anything that way, they were baffled.... and i can't get my other worm outta the other rock, so this could take a while.
Oh, and i found a starfish on teh back glass last night, never seen it before, really small. Well, yea, they have no idea what killed my fish, it wasn't the worm, and they dont hear about frogspawn killing fish.... but eh... i get deals on fish now, and they gave me a deal on the frogspawn (3 branches, $35.. normal price... $65, it was in their display nano) and since i kept three in it this last time, i'm probably gonna try 3 fish again, it worked out well, im thinkin 2 clowns and either a diamond goby or a jawfish, probably a jawfish