Kirby Puckett died


Active Member
for anyone who is a baseball fan, Kirby was one of the last great ambassadors of the game. how sad, dead at 44.


He suffered a sevre stroke...he was a GREAT in baseball...his career was cut short do to glaucoma or something like that...he will be missed...


Active Member
Great player....... Great man....... One of my all time favs.....
Baseball has suffered a great loss......


Active Member
yeah, he was beaned in the face accidently around 1996 by a close friend of his (Dennis Martinez) and he never recovered. he ended up getting the glaucoma or whatever in the eye that was hit and it pretty much ended his career. some people actually had the nerve to question whether or not he should've been a hall of famer due to his career being ended way to early. but to me, nobody personafied what a pro athelete should be like Kirby. he seemed to be loved by fans from every team. his death is to baseball probably what Reggie White's death was to football.


Active Member
I think you need to go back and read the forum listings. this forum is for off topic subjects. duh. and no one asked what you thought about the subject, with your 31 posts.


Looks like we got a real winner here. Welcome to the boards.
Hope your stay is as good as your anti-depressant

Wait, I mean better than the

, they're obviously not working and your life is still sad.


this forum is called "the aquarium" not "other topics" or whatever you thought it was....
go to and blab about sports....sorry i have a life and dont feel the need to make thousands of not a computer the way i am sorry to hear you didnt get best actor for BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN


Wow, you really embarass yourself pal.
You should probably leave this board now and save yourself some dignity.
Tell your parents that they should ground you for being stupid.
Good day.


did anybody report this guy yet. wow he definately needs to understand what each forum is for. Just so you know "The Aquarium" IS for off topic subjects. Look at all the other subjects and see if they have anything to do with an aquarium. Nice way to start off and make some friends. You need to read up before you start attacking respected members!! Hey MODS do something about this guy. Thanks


Active Member
Sorry folks, that was an unexpected "contribution" ........
Do not hesitate to report such posts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
for anyone who is a baseball fan, Kirby was one of the last great ambassadors of the game. how sad, dead at 44.
I agree... One of the true baseball greats!!! I was shocked when they announced this late Sunday...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Great player....... Great man....... One of my all time favs.....
Baseball has suffered a great loss......
maybe a great player, but to idolize and adore him as a good person…… hmmmmmm, lets see
Puckett was arrested and charged with groping a woman in a bar restroom = not something I would want my kids to look up to and aspire to be like
A companion of many years to Puckett commented once that when Puckett couldn't play baseball anymore, "he started to become full of himself and very abusive." Good traits as a role model?
He was alleged to have begun to perform lewd acts in public, such as urinating in the parking lot of an upscale local shopping center, in plain view of other people. Because of mounting controversy in Minnesota = Anger management could have helped an adult deal with the issues at hand.
Truly a sad day for family and friends and the baseball community and I’m not trying to over shadow any of his achievements behind the plate. Just “a good man” kind of irked me


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
for anyone who is a baseball fan, Kirby was one of the last great ambassadors of the game. how sad, dead at 44.

I wouldnt go as far as saying he was "the last great ambassadors for the game" he did have some off the field problems that kind of take that status away , you have people like Roger Clemens , Ricky Henderson , Nolan Ryan , Joe Pesky , Yaz , Joe Carter ....... just to name a few, who are still alive and never had any media or off the field problems and they were all great players .............. You almost saying if Jose Canseco or Jason Giambe died today they would be one of the last great ambassadors of baseball.
Not to take away that he WAS a great player , and it IS sad that he died at such a young age. But he deffinatly wasnt an ambassador for baseball ........ I could see if you said that about somebody like Joe Carter.
Still Overall a very sad situation. And it always hurts to lose such a great player, or any player.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kent'sReef
If you are a woman, Kirby would like to see you in the boxing ring. He loves to beat women. Enough said.

Everbody has their problems.
Enough said.


Active Member
I think he was a great baseball player during a time when I was a big fan of the game. I don't know him well enough to judge his personal life, or to know what kind of person he was. But if you take nothing else from this....
The guy woke up one day blind in an eye, from glaucoma, at a very young age. And he died of a stroke in his mid 40s. You can never be too young to think about these issues and take care of yourself.