Kirby Puckett died


New Member
Unfortunately, my other password is at home so I had to create a new one here at work. and while that time passed, someone else beat me to the punch about this person repeatedly failing to use proper grammar. I may be a moron, but at least I remember some of what I learned in 2nd grade.
this legendary Pesky that no one's ever heard of....he's famous for a pole? is baseball played with a pole or something? I'm lost here.
wins have nothing to do with how good a pitcher is? um, ok. Wakefield is a better knuckleballer than a knuckleballer that won 318 games.
you didn't even know if this Pesky's name was "Joe" or "John", ok. he really must be a legend since his biggest fan can't remember his name.
your right, you're baseball knowledge seems to be far greater than mine. they're is know doubt about that. everyone else agrees that Puckett was one of the greatest ambassadors that baseball ever had, but he had nothing on the legends that you have listed they're. there known far and wide for they're they're magical poles. good to here from you.


Active Member
OK, I'd like to throw in a "please everyone calm down" thing. I hate escalations in threads. Let's just accept that we like different baseball players and leave it at that. OK??? PLEASE??


New Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I am willing to bet I can find most of the players you listed have been arrested arrest does not make you bad. It means you had an error in judgement or were falsley accussed.
not Joe John Pesky!!!! Joe John Pesky is beyond reproach and above the law. he would never be arrested. if the cops ever got after Joe John Pesky, he would fly away from them with his magical pole.


New Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Charles Barkley didnt douch a guy with beer in the Bar
Sir Charles douched a guy with beer in a bar??? now that, I'd have to see to believe. rotflmao.

darth tang

Active Member
I agree with Ophiura. Name calling and insults are not needed to debate or discuss. Not only is it disrespectful, but it discredits your point about who was a good person, as you, yourself, are not acting as a good person. How about we try to all grow up and act like the baseball players that we are saying desrve our respect and act civil.
Darth (Peacemaker) Tang


Originally Posted by PontiusII
this legendary Pesky that no one's ever heard of....he's famous for a pole? is baseball played with a pole or something? I'm lost didn't even know if this Pesky's name was "Joe" or "John", ok. he really must be a legend since his biggest fan can't remember his name.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Pontius , Im sorry , your correct , Kirby pucket is the greatest man to ever walk the earth.
OJ didnt committ murder , Michael jackson didnt ---- , Kobe didnt ---- , Allen Iverson didnt murder , Micheal Irvin , Chris Carter , George Bush, Erik Williams , and Johnny Depp never did coke , Snoop Dog never murder , Pucket didnt beat his wife, Charles Barkley didnt douch a guy with beer in the Bar , Jason Giambe , Jose Canseco and Barry Bonds Never shot steroids , and Pete Rose never bet against his team in baseball ........... Simply because they were never convicted

Who did Allen Iverson and Snoop Dog murder?
I think you should stop replying to this thread. You're not coming off good.


Active Member
Kirby Puckett, dead of a stroke before his time (guilty or not guilty of anything).
A great player of a great game. That's that.
This thread is closed, due to the inability of people to play this game.