Kirby Puckett died


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
I wouldnt go as far as saying he was "the last great ambassadors for the game" he did have some off the field problems that kind of take that status away , you have people like Roger Clemens , Ricky Henderson , Nolan Ryan , Joe Pesky , Yaz , Joe Carter ....... just to name a few, who are still alive and never had any media or off the field problems and they were all great players .............. You almost saying if Jose Canseco or Jason Giambe died today they would be one of the last great ambassadors of baseball.
that's a joke. I don't believe Puckett has ever been convicted of any crime. how many times has Roger Clemens been convicted for bar fights? I promise you, plenty. and Ricky Henderson was no darling either. to compare Kirby Puckett to Jose Canseco is a joke.


Active Member
innocent people don't ever get arrested? Martin Luther King had a mug shot too you know, and had an open investigation from the FBI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
innocent people don't ever get arrested? Martin Luther King had a mug shot too you know, and had an open investigation from the FBI.
your contradicting yourself ..... pucket was arrested for beating his wife , and sued for groping a woman in a public resteraunt ........ just as bad as canseco ........... clemens has never been arrested ................ henderson???? Joe Carter was NEVER involved in anything but helping youth kids ... im simply stating there are great ambassadors left , your making this guy out to be a martyr ..... lets name a few
Bernie Williams
Joe Pesky
Carl Yaztremski
Nolan Ryan
Joe Carter
Tony Pena
Tom Gordon
Bobby Bonilla
Ozzie Smith
Trot Nixon
Cal Ripken
Tim Wakefield
Tony Larussa
Bobby Witt
you have got to be kidding ME
Like i said he was a great player but not the person your making him out to be ......... but your really not fooling anybody but yourself anyway
O "ambASSadore" ceanists


Originally Posted by Pontius
I think you need to go back and read the forum listings. this forum is for off topic subjects. duh. and no one asked what you thought about the subject, with your 31 posts.
what was the guy saying?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
your contradicting yourself ..... pucket was arrested for beating his wife , and sued for groping a woman in a public resteraunt
all charges DROPPED. not "settled out of court".....DROPPED.
Originally Posted by Oceanists
clemens has never been arrested ................
1/20/91 for Assault Upon A Police Officer and Disorderly Conduct in Houston, TX
Originally Posted by Oceanists

Like i said he was a great player but not the person your making him out to be ......... but your really not fooling anybody but yourself anyway
of the last 25 years, Puckett, Cal Ripken, and Tony Gwynn are known far and wide as being the 3 most universally liked people in baseball. if you don't believe that, go to a baseball forum and take a random poll.
Originally Posted by Oceanists

Bernie Williams
Joe Pesky
Carl Yaztremski
Nolan Ryan
Joe Carter
Tony Pena
Tom Gordon
Bobby Bonilla
Ozzie Smith
Trot Nixon
Cal Ripken
Tim Wakefield
Tony Larussa
Bobby Witt
I think to be an "ambassador", you generally need to be heard of by most people. I like how your list is riddled with Red Sox "ambassadors" that most people have never heard of (outside of Yaz)


everyone does something bad in their life and if your famous its unfortunate because even the smallest thing gets totally blown out of proportion...we as a nation should be remembering kirby puckett for a baseball player not what he did after he had a couple of drinks


Active Member
even though they were dropped doesnt change the fact that he was arrested for it and it happened .... there are 4 redsox in that list that are all popular and great people and been in the league for at least 10 years ..... still doesnt change their status ........ and clemens wasnt even mentioned again .......... i dont care about what other people think about in other forums ........ people will vote Allen Iverson to be the best Basketball SF in history..... yet he really should have been tried for murder a few years back and got off because of his status .... or how about Kobe , shouldve been charged with ---- .............. and where does that leave larry bird ..... or scottie pippen ..... players that can be called ambassadors for doing great things outside of sports ........its more than being a great player the only debatable person on my list is Trot .....
STILL not arguing that he wasnt a great player because he was ...... yet your still making him out to be a martyr .... keep fooling yourself
O "Pucket $5 Tyson $3 , Canseco $2 .... all hit with the same domestic violence charges... priceless" Ceanists (with a CAPITAL C)
What baseball fan hasnt heard of Tim Wakefield , he is known for throwing the greatest knuckleball EVER if you havent heard of pesky or Yaz your a moron or young and into the new generation of players


New Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
for anyone who is a baseball fan, Kirby was one of the last great ambassadors of the game. how sad, dead at 44.

Cause viper stuck him the ass too many times


Active Member
1. you DID mention Clemens again, and I quoted you.
2. don't care about what other people think? I started my own poll, and sure enough, Puckett, Gwynn, and Ripken were immediately named as the greatest ambassadors of the past 25 years.
3. I named Yaz as the Red Sox player that most would know.
4. I checked, which is the online baseball bible, and there is no "Joe Pesky" listed as ever having played major league baseball, so I suppose I'm a moron. I sure don't see how a person who has never played MLB be an ambassador for MLB.
5. unless Tim Wakefield used to be named Phil Neikro, then Wakefield absolutely does not throw the best knuckleball ever. Phil Neikro's 318 wins says so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
1. you DID mention Clemens again, and I quoted you.
2. don't care about what other people think? I started my own poll, and sure enough, Puckett, Gwynn, and Ripken were immediately named as the greatest ambassadors of the past 25 years.
3. I named Yaz as the Red Sox player that most would know.
4. I checked, which is the online baseball bible, and there is no "Joe Pesky" listed as ever having played major league baseball, so I suppose I'm a moron. I sure don't see how a person who has never played MLB be an ambassador for MLB.
5. unless Tim Wakefield used to be named Phil Neikro, then Wakefield absolutely does not throw the best knuckleball ever. Phil Neikro's 318 wins says so.
{EDIT}.. .you have never heard of Pesky's pole ....... oh my lord you better do some more research `, before you try to come at me with baseball information, I dont give a hoot about your Biast pole ............ Tim Wakefield is the master at the knuckleball , wins has nothing to do with it ....... how many years did nierko play .... wakefield is still playing ......... by the way his name is Johnny Pesky ... SORRY
O "{EDIT}: Ceanists


If you say "your a moron" to someone, it helps to use the proper form of the word which is "you're."
Normally spelling and educated writing doesn't matter on these boards, but it does look a little silly when you fail to do it properly while insulting someone.



Active Member
Oceanists -
Please note that this sort of name calling is not welcome on this board. Don't resort to personal attacks to make a point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Oceanists -
Please note that this sort of name calling is not welcome on this board. Don't resort to personal attacks to make a point.
Pontius , Im sorry , your correct , Kirby pucket is the greatest man to ever walk the earth.
OJ didnt committ murder , Michael jackson didnt ---- , Kobe didnt ---- , Allen Iverson didnt murder , Micheal Irvin , Chris Carter , George Bush, Erik Williams , and Johnny Depp never did coke , Snoop Dog never murder , Pucket didnt beat his wife, Charles Barkley didnt douch a guy with beer in the Bar , Jason Giambe , Jose Canseco and Barry Bonds Never shot steroids , and Pete Rose never bet against his team in baseball ........... Simply because they were never convicted


When I think about the greatest ambassadors of the game of baseball, two men come to mind. Robert Redford and Kevin Costner.

darth tang

Active Member
All the people were either tried or punished for their arrest. Puckett had neither. I met him on a few occasions, before and after his retirement. A great individual and had time for his fans. Something most players don't have anymore.
You seem to be one that immediately jumps a person the minute they are accussed of something. I have been arrested, but charges were dropped. Does this make me a bad person?
Puckett was to baseball what the statue of liberty is to America. A SYMBOL and what a baseball player should be.
I am willing to bet I can find most of the players you listed have been arrested arrest does not make you bad. It means you had an error in judgement or were falsley accussed.