know when its safe to add anemone


Active Member
awhile back I added 2 anemones which both died on me. I never found out exactly what the cause was but suspected copper. I recently moved the tank to a new residence and replaced all the water that was in the tank. now there is no traces of copper in the tank and I am thinking of trying to add another anemone in the near future. how would I know if its safe to add one? tank is a 210 with 500 watts of halide


Active Member
How do you know there are no traces of copper in the tank? How did the copper get there in the first place?
Lighting sound sufficient for an anemone. Most would say after a tank has been up 6+ months before adding one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I was thinking the same thing.. why would you have copper in your tank? LOL
You'd add copper as a treatment of some parasites. This is why it is suggested that if you are treating fish with treatments involving copper you use another tank and QT the fish.
Copper is a tough one and it can leach into the LR and some of the older silicon that seals an aquarium. Depending on the levels there may always be a trace level of copper in your tank from this point forward.
I believe there are copper testing equipment, test it out and see if there are any traces of copper.


Active Member
If it is reading 0 you can give it a try. Like i said before it doesn't mean there isn't still traces in there and it may be in the rocks at this point. Give it a try and if you don't have success i'd give up on the copper sensative creatures.


Active Member
there is always going to be trace amounts of copper in a reef tank, so hopefully the amount in my tank is low enough to where it wont affect an anemone. I still have to replace the bulbs before I get one.
before anyone bashes my above statement, trace amounts of copper will be found in some reef supplements