KromiX's JBJ Nanocube 24 Picture Diary .....


Nothing big yet, zoanthids got here, have been under light for 2 hours, most are 75-90% open, few not at all will given them time to recuperate. Will post pics asap.. till then, some teaser unboxing pics :)
also posting this for my reference in the future if I want to ship anything, very nicely packaged.



[/QUOTE]P.S One more mini-mod I need to do to this thing, is put something between the eggcrate and the part where water flows from chamber 2 to 3 (where the pump is) to stop any little pieces of chaeto going into the pump.... What have you guys used? something fine enough to stop it from getting through, but not stopping the flow...
just started to read through you post and i love the tank and wondering if you could use some pantyhose, or would it restirct the flow too much?
great looking tank!!


I went to the LFS and bought something they had when I asked what I could use..... Ill take a pic of it later, no name for it though........ some use "Gutter Guard" u find at HomeDepot to block stuff from getting in the gutter but not rain...
Lighting is stock jbj lighting 72 watts (36 watts each 50/50)
Yea blennys are awesome he is my favorite fish sooo much personality, as soon as they open pics will come!


New Pics as promised!!! Opinions/comments/Suggestions welcome!
First the new Zoo's I got....
Camera: Waterproof Olympus SW 850, yes its in the tank in these shots...
Armor Of God:

Eagle Eyes:

Tubbs Blue:

BamBam Orange:

Fire N Ice:

Cool shot of my Big Brain...

My 2 Cleaner Shrimp (Yes they are friends not cannibals..) cleaning my hand:

Huge Frogspawn:
those pictures are so cool, i dont think ive seen anyone else take pictures in their tank like that. Those zoas are puuurrrrty im jealous especially those bam bams


Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
those pictures are so cool, i dont think ive seen anyone else take pictures in their tank like that. Those zoas are puuurrrrty im jealous especially those bam bams
Thanks man, yea I love having a waterproof camera makes picture taking easy and fun lol


I want 1 more fish for this tank, I want something active/swims around alot like my clownfish, and has lots of personality... What suggestions do you guys have?
Something I was thinking was getting 2 small flasher wrasse so they shine their nice colors, any1 have a pair and are they as cool as they sound?
Is there any reef safe small angel that can safely go into a 24g tank?
What else has nice personality u guys can recommend that swims around alot (Don't like SiX-Line Wrasse FYI...) ?
I have:
Bi-Color Blenny
Orange spotted goby
A Firefish