Labor Day Weekend


SO what are all of you doing????
For is a laid back weekend. My husband is working nights, so I decided to sit back, relax and catch up on some reading....I need some "down time"
OF COURSE there are margaritas involved....LOL

bang guy

Margaritas sound fine, although I prefer my tequila straight.
Looks like a lot of rain for us :(
I'm finishing a deck so that's where Ill spend most of my time. I'm making a lame attempt at digging a pond by hand (increasing calorie expenditure) but I hit an artisian spring so I need to devote some brain power to solving the hydrodynamics involved.


Active Member
Enjoying the late summer up here in Canada, worked on my greenhouse and hutch extention for the flemish giant "CLOVER". Neighbour kids came over we had a great bomb fire c/w roasted marshmellows. Life is good!!!


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Pig roast at a buddies house today. Probably work on the yard tomorrow and then getting together with some other friends on Monday.


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Up at the cottage, its up in Canadian lakes MI, which id pretty much a retirement place, so the boat speed is no wake. So basically we do a ton of fishing (large mouth bass, pike, and bluegill mostly). Had ribs for dinner, strawberry pie for dessert, and then we go home tomorrow with my first day at a new school on Tuesday (awkward).


Active Member
My wife is back in town for the three-day and off again to LA for work on tuesday, so we are just hanging out and enjoying our place. The big project for today was picking hops and we will be drying them most of the weekend.


Active Member
Working on moving the tanks all day. Up super early and moved until just now 9:15pm.... still more to do. Haven't eaten today and I'm starved but there is no food in the fridge yet and the food place they ordered from didn't have what I wanted.... nor did they have my backup.... so just forget it. I'm upstairs because my stomach is growling and I don't want to smell their food.
So crappy weekend for me thus far.


Well-Known Member

My labor day weekend sucked...
I have 34 years seniority, I save my personal days for the Jewish Holy days. I can’t be pumped off when I want a day. Well, they gave my co worker a 5 day suspension and only one person is allowed to be off, so they rescinded my personal day. If I take it off now they will take disciplinary action against me. I called EEO, but it’s the Holiday and the lady is off for a long weekend. So Tuesday is the ONLY day they can try and do anything, I need Wednesday night off. That was the beginning of my birthday weekend.
Work has a relief person at another yard they could call in, but they refuse.
I was going to go up north and visit with friends over the weekend, my mom got sick so that was scratched. Not one of my kids bothered to even call to even say Happy Birhday. It was the Hoilday so I'm sure they had other things to do and they all forgot and never even bothered to call.


Active Member
Wings and watching football today. Tomorrow racing cars, brother got a new nitro r/c buggy and thinks it's hot stuff, so have to show him that Big Bro can still do some wheelin' at the track
. Labor Day going tubing, lazy creek + beer floating with ya in it's own cooler = bliss
happy belated birthday Flower


Active Member
So far I have been working all weekend getting things done around the house. The chores are done so now I am relaxing! Plus I took off Tuesday to extend my holiday weeked.


Well-Known Member

LOL...My BD was Friday..But thanks.
I work tonight and I will be off Monday night for labor day, oh sure thanks, and then they messed up MY Holiday, Rosh Hashanah ...The railroad pays good but sometimes..
They keep their heads in their butts and I don't know what they are thinking.
The rest of the story...

The guy they gave time off to...him and me both had put in for the 4th of July. The young man was off on vacation for a week and put in for the extra day, I was off that week, our foreman signed off and said Okay. When I came to work that Sunday I put in for the day too, the foreman signed off and said my day was okayed..he
failed to call the young fellow to tell him to come in because he had been bumped off the day (he had half expected it, because he knew I may take that day). They gave him 5 days off without pay for no call, no show..he was on vacation for goodness sakes, and since nobody called him to come in he didn't.

They couldn't touch me with their nonsense so they punished him right in the middle of the labor day holiday, and messed with the Jewish Holiday as well, to get even with me for taking the July 4th off. We have a union but by the time they sort out this mess my Holy day will be gone, and the young fellow will have to deal with a week short on his pay until it is reimbursed.
I will be taking the evening off on Rosh some crap is going to hit the fan I'm sure. I have one day a year I can call in sick and not need a doctors note...cough, cough


Gee Flower....I'm really sorry your birthday was missed :(
BUT I wish you a very happy belated birthday, and a better week too


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Sitting outside, drinking coffee and enjoying the cool weather. The kiddies will be up soon and will come outside and my silence will be gone.


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Got home from the biggest hotel I've ever been to spend some days around people who love this hobby as much as I do...what a great Labor day weekend! I wish I could have hung out with some of you guys there.....maybe next year in Iowa?