Lack of turbo snail, over feeding, or something in the water??


Active Member
I got rid of my huge turbo snail so that I could get a smaller one. Well I did not get around to it and didnt get another one for a couple weeks.
Since I got rid of him I have noticed a slow growth of this fuzzy cotton like algae on a few spots in the aquarium.
I was also feeding my fish alot during their ick outbreak which has cleared up i might add.
Or could it be something in my water?


Active Member
I know without a massive CUC in my main tank I get a fuzz algae that grows in my tank... I do a pretty descent feeding though and try and keep a lot of flow everywhere but I would say a combo of excess nutrients and lack of a CUC.
and no.... it does not look cool if you have it.


did you get ick after you added the Powder blue? as for the fuzzy algae just clean it off and add a few turbos.


Active Member
No its not white its brown and the only way I can get it off is to scrape it with a blade.
No I got the ick after I added my yellow belly hippo tang, but they seem to be cured so far. (didnt use anything but extra food)
I cant really see too much of a difference since I added the turbo but then again its only been a few days since he has been in there.


im going through a mild ick thing here too... good luck!


Active Member

food won't cure ich...
but it will add excess nutrients and phosphates/nitrates which will cause the algae to grow


New Member
looks like algae. I had this in my tank, but we got it off using an old-school razor blade (remember when there was just one blade?) and some elbow grease. It will take 2-3 scrapings, and with good filtration it should clear up soon enough.