So, It has officially been one week today since complete set up. I do not recommend the "quick" set up method I used, however, I have used this method before on a much smaller scale and was successful so I tried it again. So far everything is as expected. I have the normal touch of brown on the top of my sand. No set up goes without a transition period. I am checking my parameters often. I do have some sediment from the rocks that will gather in a pile on the sand but I just siphon the pile out (We're talking about a very small pile...) I'm doing what I can to reduce the nitrate/nitrite triggers.
I did notice strange behavior this morning that made me worry a little. The Latticed butterfly was in hiding mode after spending all week acting as if it were king of the reef and it wasn't readily eating like it had become accustomed to. This made me weary because it may indicate a water quality problem. I'm just not completely sure what the deal was(maybe ph flux) but it has since resumed grazing and making its rounds around the tank.
I found a buddy for my Latticed Butterfly. I had a Copperband on my list for this tank but the ones we have had at SWF have been to big for what I want. The Copperband Butterfly I found today is the perfect size and it looked great. I also picked up a Canary Blenny.

And I'm throwing in a pic of a portion of my 120...just cuz I'm proud of it. I love this hobby!!!!!!!!!!