When I got my 9lbs of live rock, I got many fellow friends as well! I got the following hitch hikers:
2 featherdusters
1 clam (i'm shure of it because it keeps on opining and closing!)
5 reddish looking anemones, it has a central mouth and many long tenticals!
1 small shrimp
2 hermit crabs, ones not active, could be an empty shell?
And best of all..........................a free serpent star, reddish color! I havent seen its main body yet but have seen 5 legs rap around the rocks!
And just found a baby brittle star fish, 1cm or so! Hes realy cute!
As a side note, i'm stressing out now because I didnt know this much life would be present, and i'm not getting my test kits till saturday
My salinity is at 1.024 and the temps at 81 day, 80 night!
The live rock was all the way cured and they put in water with the rock so their shouldnt be too much of a spike right? My live sand has been in for just over a week now, so the spike should be over now, right? Also live rock cost me $7 a pound.