Landen's Biocube 14 Thread!


Originally Posted by Lando101
Which state do you live in? Did you get lots of frebbies too? It made it well worth the price, I estimated with all the corals on it, when they mature they all could combine to be well over 200 dollars, I have six anemones, or at least they look like annemones, i'll post a pic soon!

I live in Toledo Ohio


Ok, what I thought was starfish is actualy long worms that look like brittle worms! I do have a small star fish still, but my question is, should I get them outa there?! They come out at night and are orngish looking!


I got my test kits today! I got the Red Sea Master testing kit, for $50! The test resaults are as follows........
Salinity: 1.024
Nitrate: at 10........ needs to be lower?
Nitrite: 0.05
Ph: 8.6... needs to be lower? Added Red Sea buffer, does this stuff work?
Ammonia: 0
Alkinity: Spelling wrong, but its in normal range
And lastly, my temperature, 80 degrees.
Should I get rid of the brittle worms, or are they harmless?


Originally Posted by Lando101
How long will it be till I see corline growing on my aquarium and rock?
Keep your cal. around 450ppm and it won't take long at all.
don't waste your money on purple up. reef salt should keep it up there with water changes. If not use a two part cal. supplement like b-ionic or calxmax.
Your urchin will eat corline also and may help spread it or eat it all.


Ok thanks for the info!!!

Should I get my clean up crew now? I have two snails and my urchin......
How about
5 nassarius snails
5 turbo snails
2 fighting conches
1 cleaner shrimp
2 cleaner clams
5 scarlet hermits
and lastly 5 blue leg hermits
Also, should I get a sand shifting starfish, or will the conches do the job?
Thanks, Landen


Has your tank cycled yet.
after your cycle you can start adding the clean up crew.
I would start simple and add as needed.
I recommend 10 Nassarius snails
10 Astrea snails
2 or 3 Scarlet Hermit Crab to start.
and 2 Emerald Crab when the hair algae starts growing.
I would also wait a few more months for a shrimp.
The rest I don't care for.


just curios, but how long ago did your ammonia and nitrites spike.
I'm guessing a nano spike a lot faster than a full size tank.
not that I have to worry about that since my rock and water came from my other tank.


Active Member
lando, do you have your biocube skimmer in the first chamber along with the stealth heater?? how is it working for you?


Originally Posted by nietzsche
lando, do you have your biocube skimmer in the first chamber along with the stealth heater?? how is it working for you?
Yes, it is in the first compartment and it works great! Thanks for asking!


Originally Posted by vicegrip
just curios, but how long ago did your ammonia and nitrites spike.
I'm guessing a nano spike a lot faster than a full size tank.
not that I have to worry about that since my rock and water came from my other tank.

Well, i'm on week 4 and the spike hapened about a week ago!
So 3 weeks!


Thanks for all the help!
On July 9th I plan on getting........
2 False Percula Clownfish- Aquacultured
1 Royal Gramma
1 Shrimpgoby- Yellow Watchman
10 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
10 Nassarius Snails
10 Astrea Snails
1 Sand Shifting Starfish
2 Cleaner Clams
I know having 4 fish is too much, but I do plan on doing weekly, three gallon water changes.
As far as corals, I plan on getting them in 6 of 7 months...
1 Stylophora
1 Brain Coral- Green, Open
3 Ricordeas of differant colors
1 Sun Coral
1 Yellow Polyps
1 Zoos- Green Center Button Polyps
Should the lighting be alright if I keep it at standared lighting, 48wts?
Thanks, Landen!


Active Member
Just letting ya know adding all 4 of those fish at once is not the best idea i have been told. It is best to add 1 or 2 at a time and then wait about 2 weeks and add another. You would have your 4 fish within a month so its best to do it that way. Just wanted to say that. Hope your 14 gal does great though.