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For both of you....unless you just like getting it all out the way in one water change, try thinking smaller. I do 25-30 gal. changes, at least 2 times a month, but many months 4 times. I guess if I had to go thru as much trouble as you guys are going thru, I might agree, to just knock it out in one punch. But more frequent water changes, even though on a smaller scale, allows me to stir up and syphon out more crap that builds up, and it seems like it would be less stressful on the fish....but I guess that can be said of both methods.
But my method only involves syphoning out the old (maybe 3' down to a drain that leads out to the woods) and flipping a switch to bring in the new. Very easy....
The problem I have is I have the 240 & a 75g Salt tank to clean, plus a 180g fresh. So it's easier for me to break out the Ro unit and make water for several days and do both tanks around the same time.
My fish don't stress very bad at all during water changes but it's a 2.5-3hr job on that big boy once per month.
So for me the 20% once monthly is just easier.