late nite 180G reef pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjason3041
he is a VERY pretty fish...looks happy in your tank :happyfish
thanks i really like him and i think hes pretty happy i know i feed him alot so hes not starvin by any means lol


murph you are a champ, i wish my tank could look like that one day. do you have any tips on sps corals, cause ive tried some montipora frags and they always die on me. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by 805puffer
murph you are a champ, i wish my tank could look like that one day. do you have any tips on sps corals, cause ive tried some montipora frags and they always die on me. thanks
man u know when i first started sps i had tons of issues with them they would always die and same with montis they would bleach and die away....
i was ready to give up! i kept tryin different things and i finally found out that my issue was my cheap quality salt that i was using... dont know if this is ur issue but it may be.... my salt was Via Aqua Ocean Pure Pro it was high in Borate meaning low in Alk. changed to Tropic Marin and all made a 100% recovery and is growing great
from what i have seen they main keys to keeping sps happy is good water quality, lighting, and flow
most monti caps dont need to be blasted with tons of light i have a nice orange one over in my corner low and it likes it there i tried frags higher and they bleach out some....
if u keep ur water stable all low to zero levels on phosphates, nitrates, and ammonia thats good...
u want a stable alk and calcium sorce... ive seen Alk changes as being a huge issue for sps Alk is one of the biggest issues that can affect an sps corals health
try to shoot for an Alk range of 8-10dkh anything higher or lower "could" affect the corals health...
keep calcium around 400-450
and magnesium 1300+
overall when u get ur system stable they should do just fine....
what kind of lights do u have and what kind of salt do u use??
whats ur alkalinity at??


ok, i use the red sea salt made by red sea. i didn't know there was that big of a difference in salts. my nitrates are preetty high, so that is probably why they died, and my phosphates are 1.
i have 2 mh, 10,000k each
2 actinics 96w each
1 t-5 35w
i need to get a magnesium test kit, and a alk test kit. i have an alk test kit, but it just says low, normal and high, right now it is on the high range.
for flow i have 1 rio pump that pumps 1090gph, 2 swivel powerheads at 270gph, 1 1 aquaclear powerhead at 400gph. do you think i need more flow, it is a 110 gallon tank. thanks


Active Member
id change ur salt IMO even though tropic marin is more expensive u can get a big bucket online delivered to your door at a decent price!
get salifer test kits they are more reliable ur alk test kit not is junk
lights is fine and your flow is a lil on the light side but not horrible id try getting some better power heads for more flow in a wide pattern like the Seios or the Tunzee's they just create a better random wide flow for the tank than standard power heads
yeah and u wannt get ur nitrates at or below 5 IMO for sps to be happy


I love the colors, Murph.
My tank has a 10k bulb and everything looks the same color, Yellow. I bought a 14k from an "

" sight and I had a huge red slime algae breakout. So I put the 10k back in. Now I have a 20k comming in the mail. We'll see what happens!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
I love the colors, Murph.
My tank has a 10k bulb and everything looks the same color, Yellow. I bought a 14k from an "

" sight and I had a huge red slime algae breakout. So I put the 10k back in. Now I have a 20k comming in the mail. We'll see what happens!

Red slime isnt all due to the bulb it may be overfeedings or just high phosphates levels
ive used boyds chemi clean red slime remover with great results its always an option


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishymaster776
holy crap nice mushrooms or zoos in the second pic
thanks those are some zoas but i dont know the name of them


Originally Posted by murph145
Red slime isnt all due to the bulb it may be overfeedings or just high phosphates levels
ive used boyds chemi clean red slime remover with great results its always an option

I thought that too. but it broke out after all my fish had been in QT for a few weeks for ich. I use RO/DI water only and I just replaced my DI filter media 2 weeks ago. I used a red slime remover yesterday and it's all but gone now. but I have a ton of micro bubbles in the tank and it's stressing my fish that I just put back in there last week. I'm going to do a 30% water change tomorrow. :notsure:


murph your tank is the best ive seen, serisouly, the way you can keep your sps is amazing, i wish i new the fist thing about custom overflow, refuges and filtratiion, a slow process, hopefully my tank can look half as good as yours one day, oh yeah good luck on the move


Active Member
Originally Posted by 20galFOWLR
murph your tank is the best ive seen, serisouly, the way you can keep your sps is amazing, i wish i new the fist thing about custom overflow, refuges and filtratiion, a slow process, hopefully my tank can look half as good as yours one day, oh yeah good luck on the move
thanks u i appreciate the kind remarks... believe me took me a while too to learn everything and im still learning things as i go now....
yeah i hope the move goes smoothly ill at least get a chance to re aquascape... u think i should leave the clam in the middle of the tank as a center piece of should i move him to the edge to allow for more sps in the center??


I think the clam looks great in the middle, but im sure you know, that you should place him wherever its easiest to spot feed.. but you know why your tank looks so good, is because you dont have too much, i think its perfect.
oh yeah your little frag shelf is ingenius
whats the size of the tank again?
and if you get a chance, snap a couple shots of your refug, and all your filtration.. name your calcium reactors, and skimmer.. all that good stuff
im always willing to learn


Active Member
thanks yeah i actually dont spot feed anny of my clams or corals just let them be and hope they are happy lol
ill have to mess with it when that time comes and see how it looks with more rock in the center and some more sps.. yeah im just kinda waiting now for things to keep growing in and make it look mature
hopefulyl the stress of the move wont hurt any of the animals im just guna setup another tank next to this one where i just run a heater a few powerheads and just the corals.... then another container with the fish and a HOB skimmer... tear down this setup with a few friends then move to my new house where ever i end up buyin one
as far as filtration i have a few pics of under the tank here u go.... oh BTW its a 180G tank
some of the macro algae i use to help export nutrients this stuff works great and grows super fast!

full under stand shot u can see my sump with my ASM-G4 skimmer then on the far left u can see my calcium reactor kinda a simple setup but takes some laying out.. i also run a UV filter, a Phosphate reactor, a chiller, an auto top off, battery backup incase electricity goes out

heres a pic of the closed loop plumming to add lots of flow to my tank im using a Sequence Dart pump at 3600gph plummed to an Oceans Motion 4 way to create random flow which sps really like

hope that showed a lil more :happyfish


Active Member
u just let me know efishnsea! ill be around waiting to see your frag rock grow out and im guna wanna trade yah for some of yours