late nite 180G reef pics


Active Member
lol thats the collection cup for my secret sauce!
actually the effluent from the calcium reactor goes into the cup where i have 2 airstones that help blow off any excess CO2 left over in the effluent helping to keep my tanks Ph a lil higher since calcium reactors keep tanks Ph lower most often


murph, your tank is very beautiful. i love reading your posts bcuz they are filled with beauty as well as tons of knowledge. always learning!
quick question: is there a rule of thumb for flow per size of tank?
also, whered you learn to do all of that stuff thats going on under your tank?! haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Hey Murph,
Do you have a clean up crew?
i have a very small clean up crew which consist of about 5 large astrea snails one large abalone that came in as a hitch hicker a few years back and about 20 hermits.... i also consider my yellow tang and lawnmower blenny to be on the crew too since they are always pickin at the rocks...


Active Member
Originally Posted by BSchaible
murph, your tank is very beautiful. i love reading your posts bcuz they are filled with beauty as well as tons of knowledge. always learning!
quick question: is there a rule of thumb for flow per size of tank?
also, whered you learn to do all of that stuff thats going on under your tank?! haha

thanks i try to help out when i can
flow.... it all depends on what u wanna keep in your tank... id say for a reef tank wihtout sps corals a good flow rate would be 15-20x's turnover meaning take your tanks total gallons and times it by 15-20 the number u get should be how much flow inside the tank from closed loop or powerheads you have...
for example my tank is a 180G's
for flow in the tank i have a closed loop 3600GPH, my return pump at 1000GPH, SEIO 1500 gph, and SEIO 820 GPH for a total of 6920gph of flow inside my tank.... take that # divide it by the # of gallons in my tank being 180 and it gives you 38x's turnover in my tank.... so my tanks total water volume is being pushed around and turnedover 38x's per hour... if u wanna keep sps i recomend at least 25x's turnover in a tank
hope that helps some


yeah i love how you tank is sorta semi-aggressive with the trigger, hes awesome by the way, i think you need a wrasse haha


You tank is my dream tank
Thanks for sharing your set up with us and always being so willing to share. I have read tons of info here.


Active Member
thanks drea!
ur welcome BShaible i hope i helped u out a lil
Barb_513 thanks im glad u like and enjoy the info i gave!
hey 20galFOWLR did u say wrasse??
heres a wrasse for yah lol its my leopards wrasse i also have a yellow coris wrasse too they get along great


Active Member
thanks bluetang66 and oreo12!
did a water change tonight and here was a few top downs i liked
first is my smaller wild sarmentosa colony this thing has colored up so nicely now i hope my larger colony does the same

frag i got from a friend in the center its a green tissued orange polyped monti of some sort

thena pic of my table coral i just like how much it has grown out in the past 6 months


Active Member
Originally Posted by costa13
hey murph, are you using anything to sercure you LR togheter?
no its just a balancing act and it kinda starts up front moves its way back and leans on the back panel for support..... so far no issues i made sure they were pretty secure


everytime i look at your tank, i use one of the pictures as the backround on my computer thanks!!! (hope you don't mind)


haha murph, those wrasse' are awesome, i would like to set up a fuge/sump for my 20 gal to later move to my 55 when i set it up, any good DIY webpages that lay it out for you in black in white, meaning showing flow in, and out how to do it and how to do an overflow without drilling, what kind of pump, how do seperate my sections for chemical filter, protein skimmer, uv serilizer, ect.. i dunno im kinda babbling.. but a good DIY website would be cool thanks, oh yeah in that last pic is that greenish plant looking stuff some sort of micro alge? and do you have any experience with sponges? i added a new fire sponge today, and im spot feeding the tank with marine snow..