Lawn Mower Blenny wont come out


New Member
I bought a LMblenny from the LFS about a week ago and he is still insisting on staying in the rock. I had seen him on about 4 occasions biting at the back glass algae. But now, I dont see him come out anymore at all. The store says they will swap with me but I will be sick if I have to break down that rock again to get at a fish. I had to do that over a Wrasse that a store sold me and it was going to end up 10 inches! Then a mandarin died, and here I am looking at this blenny who is daring me to try. I dont want to loose a $25.00 fish after all the other ordeal! I think i will try to cut the lights off, use my large net and get him to swim out into it rather than break it down.
Is this normal for these lil dudes?


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank, 30 lbs live rock, and 20 lbs live sand.
1 refuge made out of seaclone, live rubble, and chateo
regular HOB filter w/4 way filtering and carbon
Protien Skimmer
1 T5
1 actinic blue
Water peram is wonderful
regular weekly 5 gallon water change
Ro Water
2 clown
1 royal gamma
the blenny
1 turbo
13 blue leg hermies,
1 scarlet hermie
1 electric blue hermie
1 torch coral
8 red mushrooms
1 18 light Led moon blue strip
Oh and have plenty of available algaes for it


In my experience with Blennies (Lawnmower, Bicolor and Starry) the most you ever really see these guys is during feeding time. The rest of the time they like to hide out with their heads protruding. I always have bought these guys as workers though, and consider them part of the Clean up crew. If I were you, I would just let him stay. If you ever have a break out of hair algae, you will be glad you did!


MY LMB comes out quite often...a lot of times it will rest against the glass just watching me LOL


Active Member
My LMB is out nearly all the time....eating of course....
Even when he is in the rock, he usually pokes his head out and watches.


New Member
Talked to my husband and he said not to worry bout it.. All you can do is try and do what we can do. I dont mind him being in there so long as he eats. I was just worried he would waste away. When he did come out those times, it was to get a quick bite off the glass. Lil mouth marks are on there. Maybe he is just too slick for me to see him do it anymore LOL!


I wouldn't worry too much about it. You just might have a shy one. My Black Combtooth doesn't really come out much, but my Tail Spot is always around, especially if I'm near the tank, because after all, I am "The Food God".


Active Member
Blennies and Basslets (the royal gramma) are a caution to mix on most compatibility charts. grammas are notoriously aggressive fish and it may be that the blenny just wants to avoid the possible confrontation. At this point I would leave things be and see how they develop.


New Member
oh yeh.. for got to check that chart. My gamma is pretty small right now. He has started to try an bully the clowns, which look at him like he is nuts! They both get together and just go up to him as if to say, awww just shut yo mouth lil dude! LOL! He closes his mouth and nothing ever comes of it. Here is the gamma and clowns .