If I had known a head of time that LMB will sometimes only eat tank algae and starve I would not have purchased one. Unfortunatly all I read at that point was how fat they all were and how everyone loved them. IMO I would not put two blennies in the same tank together unless the tank is large and they could establish their own territoires. I know some people on this board ahve 2 blennies in one tank and they get along just fine.
I do not think the fresh water discs are up to par for him nutritionally. I am goingto try and find a similar thing for marine algae eaters, but for the time being he is munching on the rock and glass as well, I am just happy he is eating other food. :joy: I was really nervous there for a minte. Any of you feed your fish Nori or Sea Veggies?
Itchy- your blenny sounds like a real character!! Thanks for sharing that story.
Wax- So Ant was saying her Yellow Watchman does the same thing with the crabs and shells.......why do they do this? It sounds like you may have a good explanation.