Lawnmower Blenny badly beat up Shrimp Goby. Sad, need help.


So, it sounds like I shouldn't order the yellow watchman along with the LMB like I was planning? If anything, get the YM goby first?


Active Member
If that's a choice you have, I would. Also remember that LMB's get BIG. I have seen with my own eyes 6 inch ones. That's pretty big if you have a small tank. And they need a lot of algae to eat. Sounds like fishmamma got lucky and hers is eating algae wafers. :D


Active Member
fishmamma that goby was prolly trying to use the shells to shore up his den. I bet he got mad when they walked out! :D


Before I moved and had to break my tank down I had a scooter blenny. He was really cool but became very territorial after awhile. If he couldn't chase away the culprit the blenny would fill his mouth with sand and climb the rock just above his cave and start dropping sand at whatever was close to his cave. I never actually had it attack anything but would chase and stress whatever came close. It has been my experience that blennies tend to be smarter more than aggressive, but can't we all become aggresive if in the wrong situation. I now have a bicolor and a yellow watchman in the same tank and so far so good. I will keep an eye on them as to their aggression.
Fishmamma....sorry for your lose. I just lost my longnose butterfly and I hated it...couldn't do anything to save her. Amazing how attached we get to some fish.


Active Member
scooter blennies are actualy part of the dragonette family
but you do you have vids or pics of yours doing that? thats awsome. would he do it to jsut like crabs? or actualy to fish?!
and ive always wanted a yellow watchman and a bicolor.... or a LMB.... now im doubting it.... or at least 2 together.
would the freshwater algae disks give him the same nutrition that your LMB needs? ive never had any freshwater fish that needed these, so im just curious as to if they have the same types and amounts of nutrients.


Hey fishieness...I had some great pics of the blennie dropping sand on whatever was close by. My computer crashed about a year and half ago so all my previous pics were lost. (I am terrible at backing up my puter). I have not had the scotter for some time as I felt I was lucky to be able to keep the one alive as long as I did. Since doing more research I tend to stay away from scooters and mandarins. I only have a 75 gallon tank and IMO I just don't think it is a wise idea for these particular dragonetts....JMO


Active Member
If I had known a head of time that LMB will sometimes only eat tank algae and starve I would not have purchased one. Unfortunatly all I read at that point was how fat they all were and how everyone loved them. IMO I would not put two blennies in the same tank together unless the tank is large and they could establish their own territoires. I know some people on this board ahve 2 blennies in one tank and they get along just fine.
I do not think the fresh water discs are up to par for him nutritionally. I am goingto try and find a similar thing for marine algae eaters, but for the time being he is munching on the rock and glass as well, I am just happy he is eating other food. :joy: I was really nervous there for a minte. Any of you feed your fish Nori or Sea Veggies?
Itchy- your blenny sounds like a real character!! Thanks for sharing that story.
Wax- So Ant was saying her Yellow Watchman does the same thing with the crabs and shells.......why do they do this? It sounds like you may have a good explanation. :)