Lawnmower blenny dead



Purchased LMB at the local LFS saturday night and i just got home from work and he is stiff as a board... My PH is at 8.4 salinity 1.023 alk 300 nitrate between 20-40 i just dont understand ammonia 0... i just dont no what to do im becoming frustrated with this hobby and i love it more than anything cuz its amazing to watch as it develops.. I have snails that have been alive in it for like 4 months and hermit crabs i do not see what is the problem here some one please give me feedback so i do not give up.... :help:


i had algea but he didnt eat any of it do they usually breath heavy cuz that is the only thing i noticed that he did from when i put him in the water till he died my tank has been up for a year


Active Member
your trates are high too.
do you have any other fish? if so how are they behaving?
how long has the LMB been in the tank? how did you acclimate him?


i had him not even 2 full days and no other fish in the tank just some snails and hermit crabs


Active Member
While those nitrates are a little on the high side they are not at a lethal level to fish.


i know that is why i dont understand why he died plus if they were high my snails and hermits would die to


Active Member
Did you drip acclaimate him? And no your nitrates didn't cause the fish to die, sounds like he was was stressed, how many power heads do you have in the tank?


It's possible he might have been not healthy when you bought him. Just curious, the tank has been up for a year but no other fish were in it. Was there ever any other fish in the tank and if so did something happen to them or has it always been empty?


no ive had fish twice before that lasted about 50 days then died but now ive been getting more into it so i figured i would start getting fish again i had it without fish for about a month just snials LR and hermits


Active Member
my guess would be bad acclimation. You still havent said how you accliated him.
or it could have been sick or mal-nurished in the lfs. I know some of them expect that the blennie needs the natural algae so they wont feed them nori, and they will get very very skinny.


Active Member
how though? this is the important part. Drip method? or did you just fill his bag with some of your water and wait for two hours? Sorry... this is jsut the crusial part of it.

bang guy

You really should drip acclimate but I doubt if that killed your fish. Your ALK is WAY too high but that wouldn't kill a fish either.
What's the temp of your water?


water temp is 80 degrees.....and i have 2 power heads that are 1200 maxi jets each

bang guy

I'm at a loss. An Algae Blenny should be able to survive even the worst conditions for more than a few days.

darth tang

Active Member
How long was the blenny at the fish store? Do you know. If they had just got him the double acclimation in a short period time could have stressed him out and caused the death.