Leather Lighting ???


I recently found a small rock in the 225G with a piece of a leather on it...I believe it is a toadstool. I have not glued it down because I don't really think I want it in the 225G....I already have a toadstool, and a finger leather...and always thought it was not good to have too many leathers (??)
The issue is....my TANGS
...apparently keep wanting to move it....no matter where I put it...within minutes it is moved

I don't really think I want it in the 29G (which has T5's)
Was thinking about putting it in the 54G BUT, the 54G has a satellite dual which runs a dual 10K, and a dual 420/460..
Will this support a leather????
here is a pic of it....the leather is the tannish spot on the left LOL...and YES...I have seen the polyps out like a toadstool has
Attachment 244551
Attachment 244552


gill again68

Active Member
Just curious, is it you dont want the leather in the 29 or is it the lighting in the 29 that worries you. I am running 4 T5s in my 90 and have a finger and a toadstool.
Finger is at the top <----no pun intended and the toadstool is on the bottom. Both seem very happy, I know cause I see them smile.


I know the T5's would be fine for it....I just really didn't want it in the 29G
not 100% decided though

I'll move it later after water changes