Legal Action


Active Member
sent you an email
i guess something should probably be done as i'm sure there are those people that just took the loss and he is getting away with, but it seems there are 10+ people that he has ripped off already


He sent an email to me with a confirmation number on Wed. was supposed to ship Mon. Still haven't recieved the package (Fri). I realize there was bad weather this week in his area, so that could be the delay... Anyhow my email is if any of you want to contact me about this. I'm holding out that the trade is good, but I've seen some really bad stuff this week already... heat packs melting bags... People getting their same corals back as a trade... I know this whole ordeal has made me think twice about how I'll trade from now on. I know that some people have already sent his local police over to pay him a visit... That seemed to help too.


Active Member

Originally Posted by sturner
. I realize there was bad weather this week in his area, so that could
be the delay too.
I live about six minutes down the road from Villa Rica...The weather wasnt that bad...They kept the schools open...


Active Member
well i called the attorney generals office and they sent me to consumer affiars and they said they couldnt really do anything, so i guess i'll take the same approach as others and call the cops untill it gets fixed....he says now that he sent them in the same condition and his lights burned my bags as he was floating them...hmm....dont recall asking for a trade for my own corals...


i sent bronco300 money reimbursing him for shipping
because he sent me an email that stated if i did that it would be resolved


Active Member
Originally Posted by cokemanmar
i sent bronco300 money reimbursing him for shipping
because he sent me an email that stated if i did that it would be resolved
i dont understand. you thought you could rip everybody off, but then the police came to your house?


i sent bronco300 money reimbursing him for shipping
because he sent me an email that stated if i did that it would be resolved
did this part actually happen??


Active Member
i indeed have received my shipping costs back, i let it go at this even though i did have mushrooms die on me and possible zoos...but at least those corals will grow fast in my tank since i already have some...i hope everyone else gets their money back as well, for the corals lost as guys deserve your money back, and like i said, the cops will send someone to look into it...just give them as much info as possible....but it seems like things are beign resolved little by little...if anyone needs help just let me know-- i have no problem vouching to authorities about what happened,etc.
but hopefully you'll keep this thread open for those dealing specifically with ths guy who needs help just in case.


Active Member
me too...but i think the problem was the number of people he did this too...everyone took action with authorities and i think the authorities actually did then money started coming back


All I can say working for the feds. Is that what cokemanmar is doing is considered Mail Fraud because if the USPS was used. He could be looking at 3 to 5 years depending on if the feds want to persue this matter. I hope that you guys get your reimbursments and that cokemanmar gets his act together.


Well guys, I got my package from the cokeman today, and I must say that I can't complain with these corals. They aren't the same corals that we agreed on, but he did follow through. The box was completley drenched when I got it, and I think it's because the heat pack had melted the bag with the zoo rock because there was very very little water in with that one. The rest of the frags were put in a small ziplock container and taped up. He emailed and let me know that he wan't shipping the frogspawn and torch, because the frags didn't look good, and he would ship them later. The first pics are what he emailed me that he had frags of. The second and third are what I actually recieved from him. They were not mounted, I did that as soon as I got them. Some of the zoas were opening within an hour...but I think whatever GSP were on it are now dead. Are these what I recieved??? I don't think so.

these are the corals after I set them up

and this is a few hours later

If anybody can tell me what is what I'd appreciate that! Supposedly a colt, kenya, cabbage leather, hairy finger leather, and zoas, but I don't know the names...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sturner
Well guys, I got my package from the cokeman today, and I must say that I can't complain with these corals. They aren't the same corals that we agreed on, but he did follow through.
I'm glad you are pleased.
To be fair, however, if you agreed on something and received something else then that is an issue that needs to be resolved.


Active Member
if you didnt get what you asked for, its well possible its something he got from someone else maybe??? i got some of those same zoo pics you got, i wondered if they were actually pics he had or just pics he got off some other website, because the one i put below looked quite familiar to one i've seen somewhere else..not sure