Well guys, I got my package from the cokeman today, and I must say that I can't complain with these corals. They aren't the same corals that we agreed on, but he did follow through. The box was completley drenched when I got it, and I think it's because the heat pack had melted the bag with the zoo rock because there was very very little water in with that one. The rest of the frags were put in a small ziplock container and taped up. He emailed and let me know that he wan't shipping the frogspawn and torch, because the frags didn't look good, and he would ship them later. The first pics are what he emailed me that he had frags of. The second and third are what I actually recieved from him. They were not mounted, I did that as soon as I got them. Some of the zoas were opening within an hour...but I think whatever GSP were on it are now dead. Are these what I recieved??? I don't think so.
these are the corals after I set them up
and this is a few hours later
If anybody can tell me what is what I'd appreciate that! Supposedly a colt, kenya, cabbage leather, hairy finger leather, and zoas, but I don't know the names...