-OK Just to Sum all of this up for people who dont like reading,
*i took a live rock from my tank that had a lot of aiptasia on it, put it in a 5 gallon bucket of tank water with a heater, thermomerter and floresent lighting. I then waited ten minutes for the anenomes to settle down. Then I freshly squeezed a lime and a lemon and boiled some water, squirted each differant liquid on a large aiptasia to see which one was most effective. In this experiment i found that lime juice was the most effective, then lemon juice, and then boiling water.
*If you try any of these methods in your tank you should shut off anything that causes water flow so the juice sticks to the anenomes and increase effectiveniss of the juice. Wait at least a half hour to kill the anenomes and then it should be ok to turn the equipment back on.
*be very careful with how much lemon or lime juice you use. The reason for this is because Lemon and lime juice is very acidic and will lower your Ph.
*It is not nessissary to do this in a bucket. you can do it in your tank. I only used it in a bucket for a controlled environment.
* If you use boiling water, you are going to want to use a lot more than you would lemon or lime juice or it will hardly damage the anenome.
*i would suggest doing these thing right before doing a water change so you can fix the Ph easier if you lowered it too much.
Thank tou everyone and I hope this helps you with your aiptasia problems, sincerly