Leopard wrasse

yosemite sam

Active Member
I had one for a time, and it never picked at anything. The bigger issue is that they are very difficult animals to keep, as they don't often take to prepared foods, and need lots of pods. What sized tank do you have?


New Member
I have had mine for several months & he seems to be 100% reef safe.
It did take him several days before he would eat mysis, & just recently started eating flake.


Active Member
i have a 90gal with a 30g fuge/sump. tons of pods and worms. i am aware they are hard to get to eat but i think i have enough critters in my tank to keep him happy until i am eventually able to get him to eat.
what i am worried about is, while QTing him, i wouldnt want him to starve.
the wrasse was putting the food in his mouth but spitting it out very fast. is this a good sign that i might be able to get him to eat if i keep trying?
also, i know some wrasses are or can be aggressive and should be added last. this isnt going to be my last fish, am i going to have any problems? current fish:tomini tang occ. clown.


Active Member
i have a leopard for a while now no problems biggest issue with these guys is getting them to eat... if you can get him to eat then you should be on your way to having a healthy happy wrasse...
this wrasse is super doscile stays to itself and searches the rock work all day never bothering anyone... i also have a mystery wrasse hes more bold and doesnt mind challenging my male lyertail anthias when hes in his way lol but hes still calm as well
leopards are awesome and make great reef fish IMO

heres my mystery a while back they are a super nervous fish and dont liek pictures i got this guy as a baby and hes grown fast now about 2.5" and thick he will also eat any small/medium size shrimp


Active Member
am i going to have any problems with keeping him in a qt for 4 weeks? should i just put him right into my tank and hope he doesnt get ick and give it to my other fish in there? since it is such a delicate fish and really only eats pods and whatnot, im worried he wont make it in my qt. i have him floating in the bag right now. if no one says anything i guess ill just qt him and hope for the best


Active Member
the wrasse is acclimated to the qt now i dripped her for 2 hours. i think maybe it is a little frightened because it is just laying on its side breathing a little heavy. hopefully it is will make the night and it is just scared.


Active Member
they need sand to bury themselves in... hope your QT has a 2" sand bed....
i didnt QT mine either no problems
they usually burry themselves and hide for the first day or 2


Active Member
do you have sand for you QT?
-edit- Murph beat me to it
BTW, these are AWESOME looking fish and i would love to get one eventually for my 125 if they are truly reef safe, I thought i read that they ate some coral polyps...and they get to like 6 inches... I thought Big wrasses arnt reef safe and what does it eat? ever nip at your corals?
And Please post pics of your new wrasse!!!!!!!!!!!!
(not tryin to hijack thread)


Active Member
i dont have sand, i know they need sand but i didnt think in a qt. i dont this fish will get ick but there is know way to tell thats why i was going to qt it. i dont have sand in the qt. now what? add sand? acclimate him to the main tank tomorrow? will he last the night?


Active Member
i just added about 1.5" of sand in a container. i saw him trying to figure out how to get into it, then i left for a minute and now i cant find him so im assuming that he burried himself. any thoughts on the post above and this one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peckhead
i just added about 1.5" of sand in a container. i saw him trying to figure out how to get into it, then i left for a minute and now i cant find him so im assuming that he burried himself. any thoughts on the post above and this one?
heh. Creative!


Active Member
leopards are reef safe they get to maybe 3" big they wont do anything but eat pods.... they are sand burriers and need a tank with sand or they will stress and die with no sand... at night or when scarred they sleep in the sand if i were u id just add him to the main tank i highly doubt this fish wil get ick