lets flaunt them zoas to make everyone else jealous!



well here goes...heres 3 of my new frags (cost me a bomb!!!) but im form UK and you just dont get these here, let me know what you think (i.e. how rare they are in the USA) thanks!
pic 1-"dragon eye"
pic 2-radioactive dragon eye
pic 3-reverse dragon eye



i also have the chance to buy these: let me know what you think and what they are worth!



Active Member
Originally Posted by spike_501
i also have the chance to buy these: let me know what you think and what they are worth!
I got 20 of the ones in the first pic for 40.00. This is a pic of them, they look exactly like yours but the pic shows them more lime green then they are. The eyes are bluer then my pic shows also.


very nice blue zoas, whats everyones favourite zoa? mines fire and ice. i did busines with someone before with ricordea but tank a look at his tank....beat this if you can!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I got 20 of the ones in the first pic for 40.00. This is a pic of them, they look exactly like yours but the pic shows them more lime green then they are. The eyes are bluer then my pic shows also.

Here's a blurry pic but shows the color better


heres another, what do you zoa keepers recomend for lighting for keeping zoas? im gettin metal halides but iv heard there is differnt kelvin levels and wattages etc, whats ideal or are they all good enought to show the colour of them off?


Active Member
Afew more of my other zoas. Love everyones so far!

I like the choc skirts and the blue gets deeper as it gets closer to the eye

steel blue palys with xlong skirts

legend of zeldas

combo rock


Hi - I just upgraded my lighting to get some softies... but i think zoos don't need thatmuch light. Am I right? Also, those frags in the first pics are tiny - so cool - but small. How quickly do they spread? My lfs has some cool tiny frags they sell for around $12-15. is that a good deal?
Thanks - awesome pics everyone!


Hey RabidFrog what are those zoos called in the last pic. I have some of those and they are fast growers. They are taking over, they are everywhere even growing up the back glass. I have a frag I will be bringing to the next frags swap if you can call it a frag it is about 4"X4". It's at the bottom right of this pic.


Active Member
Jealous? Mission accomplished!
I just started my tank and still waiting for my lr and ls to come in. What kind of lighting do you need to have zoos? They are my favorite coral so far and I'd like to have some, but right now I only have two 36" 10,000K Daylight & True Actinic double lamps (42 watts each). Is that enough?

rabid frog

Active Member
That should be fine. Zoo's are not a high light demanding coral. The only thing that makes the biggest difference is kelvin spectrum. They look totally diff. under 14k vs. 10k.