lets flaunt them zoas to make everyone else jealous!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
they can be very toxic....there are not very many cases where something happens, but when you have these in your tank and are messing around with zoos, you ALWAYS shoudl wear gloves and some type of eye protection and they can squirt out...especially if you ever frag any!
Good to know, thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
how bout the toxic roses of the ocean? lol
I like that.
Bronco, do you use anything to speed the growth process?


Active Member
not really much you can do...they dont usually take food except maybe palys...some other zoos...you could do phyto and see if that helps...but i've foudn the smaller groups tend to spread faster for me...and for the love of pete leave them in ONE spot once comfortable..otherwise they will grow slower than a dime grows..but if left alone they can spread fairly well i think


Active Member
heres some that i have not as nice as u other guys but ive got some really neon green palys some solid oranges some eagle eyes some dragon eyes and some kinda pinkish ones and some blue ones



Active Member
beautiful murph!!!
and no, i would not does iodine as it is VERY easy to knock your system off balance that way...i stary away from additives, every time i try it kills something.


Active Member
bronco...they squirt?!?! i have tons of different color polyps all over my tank and have never seen anything to lead me to believe they are toxic...i have never actually heard anyone refer to them as toxic....


Active Member
they dont just squirt by themselves, but they can if you are handling them and push on em too much or something...do some research, youll see many thread on it here and other places
why take chances?


Active Member
its true i fragged some of my huge neon green palys without gloves cut a few open accidentaly and the juice got on my fingers about 15 mintues later i was light headed and faint with a rapid heart beat... took me a minute to figure out what happened they are toxic though so be careful
hey bronco question for yah these blue i have have grown some but they have lost the intense blue they originally had would theat mean they need more or less lighting.... i run 3-250W Phoenix 14K's FYI


Active Member
haha, oh man glad youre still with us murph...that is hard to say...if you really want to see try moving it some...another thing you have to be very carefl of when purchasing zoos...you may see some amazing colors in one tank, and they may change 100% once in yours...or they may get even better...i would say get a frag, then move it up and see hwat happens...but you also don't want to burn em with too much...i cant remember your tank size(edit:100gallon with 750watts...seems a lot for zoos if they are up higher..but this is just me guessing here so i could be wrong...be a nice little test though, and then send the frag to me, and i'll show you what they look like in my dual 175w 75g)
in my expereinces i've gotten maarron colors zoos that open up to crazy colors...they leave 250w MH, but that were 3ft or so away from the tank, then another 1-2ft to the bottom of the tank...then my dual 175 over my 75g is only 2ft max to the zoos, and they turned gorgeous colors.


Active Member
good idea i think ill try fraggin some off the rock and then moving them up higher in the rocks.... i have a 180G tank but even then some zoas just dont like tons of lights.... these zoo's were straight from the ocean i got them at the wholesalers so im not sure if they were used to more or less light in the wild??
yeah im glad im still here too those zoas got me good i thought i was guna faint....
hey let me know if u ever wanna work out some sort of swap uve got some nice colors goin on there

rabid frog

Active Member
ooh ohh I wanna swap!! I am always looking for new colors. My wife has an order coming of some I think. She may have even got me a blasto!!
Murph That is an awesome color blue on your sps. Is that a blue tort? I would love to have some of it!! :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
My zoas never look that nice! Is it b/c they're under PC's?
I believe it really depends on the color of the zoos. Some of mine look amazing under mostly accentics, others MH and still others under PC. I moved some of mine to my new tank which for now is all PC from my MH and T5's combo, some looked better under the PC, others looked washed out.


Active Member
Murph and bronco, both of you have some beautiful zoos. I believe what i read in another thread, murph always haves good stuff.
I always knew they were toxic, never knew how or when you could get posioned....have you ever been stung by your lion, murph.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rabid frog
ooh ohh I wanna swap!! I am always looking for new colors. My wife has an order coming of some I think. She may have even got me a blasto!!
Murph That is an awesome color blue on your sps. Is that a blue tort? I would love to have some of it!! :thinking:
thanks yeah its a cali blue tort maybe we can work out some swappin sometime...


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
Murph and bronco, both of you have some beautiful zoos. I believe what i read in another thread, murph always haves good stuff.
I always knew they were toxic, never knew how or when you could get posioned....have you ever been stung by your lion, murph.
yeah that was the first time i got sick over fraggin zoo's but i accidentally cut a few and the liquids got on my fingers bad choice from now on im wearin gloves...
the lion has never stung me yet
and i dont want it too lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
they dont just squirt by themselves, but they can if you are handling them and push on em too much or something...do some research, youll see many thread on it here and other places
why take chances?

Yep. Their was just a thread a few weeks ago about a guy working at an lfs that got squirted in the eye and collapsed the next day.