Lets Go Retro...


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If you can find it in the original box you are lucky set of Flinststones Push Puppets by Kohner...mid 60's


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I would like to bring back my chainlink eel. It was because of him that I got into this hobby
. I still remember that day when I had to give him up....


Active Member
Dang Scuba...That is some FANTASTIC stuff!!!
How about bringing back the original "American Idol"... The original was called "The Gong Show" :hilarious
salty tank... I have to disagree with ya on Wild Boyz... Steve O and Pontius are waaay to messed up and incoheirent... Some of the things they do is going to get them killed, not just injured...Killed... there was an out take of Steve O he said "I am so messed up, and I am still not crazy enough to do this stunt" ... I cant watch that show at all... you are right about Bam...they are focusing on messing with Don Vito a little too much...


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Originally Posted by ruaround
Dang Scuba...That is some FANTASTIC stuff!!!
Just a small fraction of the collection. I probably have about 50 boxes full and not on display due to space. I currently have an addtion in the plans for a large and final saltewater set-up and a display area for the collection. I aslo have a vintage aquarium ornament collection...that is boxed up though.

my way

Active Member
Scuba do you have any of those old black cast iron ( I think ) banks that you set the coin on and it would shoot it into the bank's storage area? I loved those things and would'nt mind finding some. Only problem is they would probably be worth more than I would be willing to spend on them. That is a Great collection, I hope you have them insured as some look irreplacable. How long have you been collecting them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Scuba do you have any of those old black cast iron ( I think ) banks that you set the coin on and it would shoot it into the bank's storage area? I loved those things and would'nt mind finding some. Only problem is they would probably be worth more than I would be willing to spend on them. That is a Great collection, I hope you have them insured as some look irreplacable. How long have you been collecting them?
I have been collecting since 1985 . yes they are insured. The banks you are describing are quite pricey. I do not think I have any im my collection. Book of Knowledge put out some repro banks several years ago that might not be a bad investment. The originals go for hundreds and/or thousands. I mainly collect cartoon character toys. and mechanical banks are not my specialty
It is prettty bad when you have so many things you simply cannot remember. I have often purchased items only to realize once I review my reocrds I already had it.
I have many hard to find items and many in the original boxes. I have a magilla Gorilla Target that is in the original box that I have NEVER seen on ---- with the box.....and I search there pretty often...since 1998. I had another collector offer me 1K and I turned it down.
Your best bet is to hit graage sales or flea markets if you are looking for a bargian. If you are dedicated and have time you can find GREAT deals on e----bay with incorrect titles...misspellings, and low Buy It Now prices. But you have to do it daily, hourly, etc. If it is a bargian it will be found.


Originally Posted by Michelle L
I'd like to bring back my 21 year old body. This 36 year old one just isn't cutting it.
Oh, Great answer !!! I wouldn't turn that down either. Hmmm Atari-Astriods and missle command. You used to get a pack of cards in the Wonder Bread. Tube socks pulled up to the knee and a pair of shorts. Roller skating - still have it but it's not cool now. How about this... Has anyone ever told their kids to go outside and build a tree fort ? Mine looked at me like does in headlights. Anything outside really. They act like it is punishment to have to play outside. The 12 year old asked me what did I do when little. I said we always PLAYED outside unless we had to be in the house and then we maybe listened to records. You know what came next.... "What's a record?"


This isn't a thing but more or less a wives tale: Bring back applying Vicks Vapor Rub to the chests of our sick babies and wrapping a wool sock around their necks when sick. . .I'll never forget those days!


Originally Posted by cheyco
Oh, Great answer !!! I wouldn't turn that down either. Hmmm Atari-Astriods and missle command. You used to get a pack of cards in the Wonder Bread. Tube socks pulled up to the knee and a pair of shorts. Roller skating - still have it but it's not cool now. How about this... Has anyone ever told their kids to go outside and build a tree fort ? Mine looked at me like does in headlights. Anything outside really. They act like it is punishment to have to play outside. The 12 year old asked me what did I do when little. I said we always PLAYED outside unless we had to be in the house and then we maybe listened to records. You know what came next.... "What's a record?"
We took our kids to visit Graceland "Elvis Presleys" home for you young uns! LOL We were in the room that had framed gold albums covering all the walls. My kids were looking around and said "wow, look at all the big cd's" the people around us started laughing, but it's true. . .kids now adays don't know what a RECORD is!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nflnutswif
We took our kids to visit Graceland "Elvis Presleys" home for you young uns! LOL We were in the room that had framed gold albums covering all the walls. My kids were looking around and said "wow, look at all the big cd's" the people around us started laughing, but it's true. . .kids now adays don't know what a RECORD is!
heh heh...imagine what kids would say if you showed them a 45 record...
"look kids this is how we got our singles ... we didnt have napster or iTunes to go get just one song, oh and on the 'B' side...you know what a 'B' side is right


Active Member
funny story about 45's......
my daughter (7 at the time) had a 50's sock hop for girls scouts. I made her a poodle skirt. I cut out a poodle and some 45 records out of black and white felt. Really proud of myself I showed her the finished product. She said " mommy, what are those wheels doing on my skirt? "
I said, those aren't wheels, they are records. "what are those? she said..


Originally Posted by lovethesea
funny story about 45's......
my daughter (7 at the time) had a 50's sock hop for girls scouts. I made her a poodle skirt. I cut out a poodle and some 45 records out of black and white felt. Really proud of myself I showed her the finished product. She said " mommy, what are those wheels doing on my skirt? "
I said, those aren't wheels, they are records. "what are those? she said..

That is just pitiful ! Did anyone here besides me ever have a Mickey Mouse record player? You opened the box, because you could carry it with you , and Mickey's head was on the inside of the box and his arm had the needle underneath. Oh and remember you had to put that little round plastic thing in the middle of your 45 record to make it sit right in the middle... I'll stop now.


Active Member
crazy isn't it???? There are tons of things that children today don't have a clue to:
You have to get UP off your duff and change the channel
Sometimes someone had to stand by the foil covered antennea's to get a channel
A R A D I O.............. am and some FM.....Dial only
Records 45's and LP's with the little round plastic adapter thingamijig for your TURNTABLE !!!
lets see....lemme think...............


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Time to paint your windows with WWII Black Out Defense Paint...the terrorists will miss your house.....


Active Member
geeze, my grandparents had some of that years ago.....got rid of it. Please don't tell me it was something they should have kept. beacause she was a french antique dealer and we had TONS of stuff to deal with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
geeze, my grandparents had some of that years ago.....got rid of it. Please don't tell me it was something they should have kept. beacause she was a french antique dealer and we had TONS of stuff to deal with.
The defense paint? Sold a few on ---- all went from 100-200 bucks per can.