Lets Go Retro...


Active Member
Are you JOKING?? PER can???? These things were in great shape. In the dumpster they went
They had soooooooooo much stuff, where to begin.
1-20yd dumpster
2 30yd "
2- 40 yd dumpsters
Really, I sometimes think we threw away a fortune, but just didn't have the time or energy/resourses to pick through stuff.


Active Member
A friend of ours is an estate auctioneer......the next time I run into this old stuff I guess I need to buy it huh?


Active Member
What lamps should look like now...50's Flying UFO Lamp...Metal and heavy...comes in handy for clunking burglars in the head. Multi-Purpose...the way things should be made now....


Active Member
It's Howdy Doody Time......Spray Snow to stencil your windows...can is still full...probably the cause of that Ozone layer problem.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty tank
THree stooges are great, i bought like 30 episodes on DVD
Watch Out for the 3 Stooges Flying Cane...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Are you JOKING?? PER can???? These things were in great shape. In the dumpster they went
They had soooooooooo much stuff, where to begin.
1-20yd dumpster
2 30yd "
2- 40 yd dumpsters
Really, I sometimes think we threw away a fortune, but just didn't have the time or energy/resourses to pick through stuff.
One man's trash is another mans treasure...
Scuba... I have a couple of those spray snow cans with hoedy doody on em, they were in my fathers old stuff... do you by chance collect old bottles or just toys???


Active Member
As Popeye used to say Well Blow Me Down...does that have a differenrt meaning today? Obviously drugs were popular in the late 40's early 50's...who makes a Jack In THe Box where a spinach can pops out and then the head of Popeye pops out the can....drug influenced design.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Wow, Scuba, you have an amazing collection!!! How do you find all this stuff?
E-Bay, garages sales, the dump (no joke), flea market, antique shops, swamp meets, toy shows, antique shows.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
One man's trash is another mans treasure...
Scuba... I have a couple of those spray snow cans with hoedy doody on em, they were in my fathers old stuff... do you by chance collect old bottles or just toys???
The cans if full fetch 25-60 or used to on ----. If empty not certain. nah, no bottles...unless they are soda with neat graphics. ...or neat vintage graphics


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Are you JOKING?? PER can???? These things were in great shape. In the dumpster they went
They had soooooooooo much stuff, where to begin.
1-20yd dumpster
2 30yd "
2- 40 yd dumpsters
Really, I sometimes think we threw away a fortune, but just didn't have the time or energy/resourses to pick through stuff.
Quite often things like that happen when time is not a luxury. Yes, per can. I also had what was called a WWII Diddy Bag that was sent to the soldiers by family members. It was mint with all contents and unused . The person I bought it from was ashamed of it because it had Hitler and the axis of evil on the bag. He sold it to be for 10 bucks. I listed it on that auction site a few years ago and got several 100 for the bag. I truly regret selling it. I found it in Phoenix of all places. A garage sale not to far from the hotel we were stayng at.
My big regret was not donating to the D-Day Museum in New Orleans.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
A friend of ours is an estate auctioneer......the next time I run into this old stuff I guess I need to buy it huh?
If the price is right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
The cans if full fetch 25-60 or used to on ----. If empty not certain. nah, no bottles...unless they are soda with neat graphics. ...or neat vintage graphics
I have some old Canada Dry glass bottles, 1 is still full with the top that you have to use an opener on its Quinine Water... I also have an unopened 32 oz. glass bottle of squirt, twist off cap the seal intact...


My gosh you do have quite the collection..my Mom & I have been collecting for years..But we collect all antiques and collectiables..a warehouse full. She deals in them, I just buy them or she gives them to me. When we were kids ....the smart a** remarks would have landed us a smack with the hot rod track.
....remember those! My kids just laugh at some of the things we used to do or parents used to do to us!...what about Slinky's..the real metal ones that used to get stuck into stuff and then bend! Or how about rollerskates that took a key? Yea real toys in cereal. Staying up late to watch CHILLER! Sneakin out on Sat. nights to go skinny dippin down at the lake, rock concerts that only cost $10.00. Christmas was something magical and there was a santa? Snow skeeting (grabbing on the back of a cars bumper and riding it as long as the driver didn't see ya) kids don't do this-not safe!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I have some old Canada Dry glass bottles, 1 is still full with the top that you have to use an opener on its Quinine Water... I also have an unopened 32 oz. glass bottle of squirt, twist off cap the seal intact...
Might be interested in the Squirt if it has the Squirt Boy graphics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Might be interested in the Squirt if it has the Squirt Boy graphics.
what do you mean by "Squirt Boy"? want I should post a pic... I will have to get my girl friens digital and USB, for mine is not working...grrrr...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
what do you mean by "Squirt Boy"? want I should post a pic... I will have to get my girl friens digital and USB, for mine is not working...grrrr...
Lil Squirt...has big chest with blonde hair. Post a pic when you can or send it to me at superidiot@cox.net I tried for just plain idiot but cox told me I needed to go in the phone both and become superidiot.