lets here it for bush


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
I'm not trying to insult you or any other service members over there and wasnt implying or saying that you were letting soldiers die to build houses. It just seems crazy to me that, for all i know and hear, we dont have enough soldiers or equipment there to do the fighting that needs to be done but the soldiers that are there have to be building houses and schools. Like i said, it seems to me that civilians from whereever should do that until we have enough troops or are in enough control that MUCH fewer Americans are dying....
Emmitt, "building" projects go on all the time in parts of Iraq where troops are stationed but there is no combat. The troops are a "presence" in the region so they must be stationed there.


Active Member
I saw on the news tonight Sean Penn and Jane Fonda leading anti-war demonstrations... Fonda was saying how it was a shame we didn't learn from Vietnam.
I think it's a much bigger shame that she can't understand how her behavior hurt us in Vietnam and how it now weakens us as a nation.
Why is this so hard to understand? When people protest this war (politicians in particular) they encourage the enemy. If, as a nation, we would just focus on the job at hand maybe we'd demoralize the enemy and beat them....

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by watson3
1..I say FOXnews does OK...Other than that, mostly first hand knowledge..
2..What would be your timeline on a few hundred people building a school..The point is that it is good for the people..We are not there just to fight, but as a sign of our pledge to get them going again

Agree with both statements!


Jane Fonda?....I thought she was dead.
I would be more freaked out if they were actually supporting their country.


OK, OK, enough reading on this subject. USMC Retired. Too many people seem to forget that we are in Iraq to liberate the people (not the original cause for going, I'll admit) and to allow them to live with some of the freedoms that we in the US take for granted. How many remember WWII, the war in Europe, we were not attacked as a country, we saw an injustice being committed and stepped in to rectify the situation. Is this not along the same lines? Was Saddam not like a modern day Hitler? Maybe not trying to take over the world, but to force his will and beliefs on the entire population of Iraq. I don't think that we would stand still and allow someone to do this to us. So, should we have backed out of Europe in WWII as so many of the politicians want us to do in Iraq? Just some thoughts, and yes, I have seen the good side of the war in Iraq, retired in 2005, was there for 9 months before retirement and have a son over there now. So don't try to tell me that we are doing no good in that region of the world. "Walk a mile in my shoes" then let me hear you "

" about pulling out of Iraq and leaving the region.


Active Member
There is some evidence and opinions that SAdam moved his weapons prior to invasion. He would not use them on our troops and refused to let them be found in his country....JMO. Why would he give Bush this victory....makes sense to me and why I believe it is plausible that they were moved.......moved to Syria.
We are not talking about some large stockpile that would fill up acres.
I am glad we took him out....and hope we continue on with the war on terror.
I supprot our troops and the war. I beleive they are both realated at times of war and you can't do one without the other. Of couse...you can SAY you support the troops but not the war. Our positions here at home send signals for the enemy to continue on with the program We prove time and again we will go to sleep. As a nation...we are predictable....and the enemy knows it. JMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
What has he really said that was wrong , I agree with him 75% of the teachers out there today are morons , and if i were to pick public school or home schooling , it would be home school mixed with recreation.
Morons have an IQ of 50-69....20-49 imbecile and below 20 is an idiot. I fall in the below 20 range. I do not beleive they officially use these lables to categorize intelligence now. I'd say most teachers are FAR above the moron range for IQ.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I saw on the news tonight Sean Penn and Jane Fonda leading anti-war demonstrations... Fonda was saying how it was a shame we didn't learn from Vietnam.
I think it's a much bigger shame that she can't understand how her behavior hurt us in Vietnam and how it now weakens us as a nation.
Why is this so hard to understand? When people protest this war (politicians in particular) they encourage the enemy. If, as a nation, we would just focus on the job at hand maybe we'd demoralize the enemy and beat them....
The enemy knows we no longer have the will....we blinked in the past.....we'll do it again. Then when buildings fall, people die or some other attack here at home, folks will get back on the bandwagon.


Active Member
You all should have watched the discovery channel today and this evening. They have had a whole series of shows on the middle east. I started the other day listing out all the Presidents that have been in office and their actions since the 50's. That was the start of the militant Islamic and our involvements starting with assisting the coup to put the Shah of Iran back in power. This isn't something that started during the last two presidents. I didn't post it.
I believe Carter was the worst for letting the Iranian militants believe they could take on and hold the US hostage. I was in HS when this started. Granted, we were still in the Cold War at that time and full scale military action could have been an issue with the Soviet Union.
We have moved from one side to another side through the years. Our only real ally in the region is Israel. We only have had temporary friends with the other countries until they have a coup, then we are the enemy, then we assist their enemy.
What's that old saying - My enemy's enemy is my friend.
Israel made major concessions in a move towards peace in recent years and look where they are again now.
I am sad to believe that diplomacy doesn't work in this part of the world.
Iran is next, if they keep it up...
Both Bush Presidents have at least showed the region, we will not stand by and watch. Clinton also at least bombed Libya. You don't spend a trillion dollars to free the oppressed. He who controls the Oil, controls the world or freedom..... Go USA
Originally Posted by NigerBang
The funny thing about "corn gas" cost the same if not more than Gasoline..and less miles per gallons...Kinda like lets not drill in AK..It might upset the Caribou migrations..
Personally I think the Caribou would love it would give them something new to look at. I live in Alaska, and believe you me, they're very careful with the small amount of drilling they have done Anwar were open to drilling,as a matter of fact it would probably be more stringent. It may not be the entire answer to our high fuel costs, but every little bit helps, and why not start at home, instead of buying close to 100% of our oil from people that would like to hurt or kill us?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
ead your post wrong ..... but why was everything so bad when bush number 1 was in? Clinton balanced the budget. He was in office and he kept the budget balanced ...... name the last president to do that.
Perhaps if CLinton would have treated the initial attacks on the WTC as Bush did...the buildings would still be standing. Instead, he decided to pursue it as a criminal act. BIG DIFFERENCE.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I am sad to believe that diplomacy doesn't work in this part of the world.
Diplomacy? Nope,,,,here;s why.....How can you talk to folks that say...Isreal and the west have no right to exist? They seek to destroy us...plain and simple. So I guess we should just stand around and let them do it...or wait for another attack here at home. I'm sure they will agree to play fair and no longer continue on.
The overall war on terror is about proactivity now...and hopefully........,we will not be placed in a position of reactivity in the future. I fear we will be though.
They intentionally target civilians, etc and will die for thier sick casue. Nice folks to chat with over tea.


Active Member
I think you misunderstood the quote, I agree with you or I misunderstood your reply
I am sad that Diplomacy won't work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I think you misunderstood the quote, I agree with you or I misunderstood your reply
I am sad that Diplomacy won't work.
I agreed and added my take
Originally Posted by emmitt2
I dont know if the 100,000 civilian casualtie figure is correct but it does seem like every single day, there is an article about 20-40(or more) civilians killed by insurgent bombings or just found shot in the head.
I can't really say if those numbers would decrease by us leaving Iraq or by sending more troops. My guess is they would increase if we left but who knows

p.s.- just curious, a question for the Bush supporters on here(of which i am one). What exactly do you guys consider a reputable news source??? I highly doubt that when CNN reports that 30 iraqi civilians were found shot in the head, that that is a lie. They may slant it and not tell the good that we have done as one poster pointed out by I cant believe that the figures they are reporting regarding Iraqi casualties are lies.
I keep seeing CNN referred to as a source of news. There are however better sources out there then C.linton.News.Network. Try Fox news, at least there frequently there is an attempt to bring some of the more positive things taking place in Iraq to light. If you haven't tried it give it a shot, y'all can still make up your own minds at the end of it all.


Active Member
Forgot to add to my earlier post that Clinton had very little to do with the balanced budget. it was the read my lips no new taxes under Bush 1 tax...followed by Newt and crew which came home to roost on CLinton's watch.
Clinton was nothing more that Mr Haney on Green Acres. Thanks Bill for going after the bad guys with the might of our military after the initial WTC attacks.
Great move.


Staff member
While the Fox News Net does present "the right angle" to things supposedly providing "the balance" to news, I find that the programming on that network has deteriorated in to little more than tabloid style reporting. In the morning, they have those silly goof-balls on making jokes, talking to themselves, acting like they are at a cocktail party rather than in front of America reporting the NEWS. All they need are martinis in hand and they will definitely be at a cocktail party. In the evening, they have "shows": Bill O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes, and the Greta Vansestrian ...none of which is NEWS, all of which is right-side commentary or tabloid trash (Greta).
Perhaps they have quality news sometime other than in the morning or in the evening [which is when most people watch news], but that is the only time I have to tune into News, and, I'll wager, the only time that most folks can catch some TV news. I used to be a regular Fox viewer, but not any more.
While CNN may put a liberal slant on some things, they are at least professional. Do a comparison come Monday morning while you're getting ready for work. Tune in to Fox for 1 minute to see what's going on, then tune into CNN. Do this back and forth for for 30 minutes, you'll get the picture quick enough. Then tell me which is the News Network. LOL
While political commentary is kinda fun to listen to, when I tune into TV News, I expect to get news, not a continuation of Talk Radio.


Active Member
I feel the same way, Beth. It's like right wing talk radio on tv. I like MSNBC and BBC, though I'll check on CNN and Fox from time to time.