lets here it for bush


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Liberalism is not a religion, it is a mentality..
It's an ideology...


Active Member
Jmick, is someone's Avatar offends you use the "report" feature. The mods can then, as a group, discuss it.
I don't know the religious affiliation of the mods here. I'm simply making sure we don't go down the wrong path on this thread by posting inflammatory religious remarks.
Everyone has behaved pretty well so far, let's not sidetrack it. If you would like to start a constructive thread on the value of religion feel free (although it might very well get locked down quickly as the topic seems to bring out the worst in people).


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Jmick, is someone's Avatar offends you use the "report" feature. The mods can then, as a group, discuss it.
I don't know the religious affiliation of the mods here. I'm simply making sure we don't go down the wrong path on this thread by posting inflammatory religious remarks.
Everyone has behaved pretty well so far, let's not sidetrack it. If you would like to start a constructive thread on the value of religion feel free (although it might very well get locked down quickly as the topic seems to bring out the worst in people).

I'm not a liberal so I don't find it offensive but I'd imagine some might.
I'd bet that thread wouldn't go more then a page.


Active Member
It is a tame Avatar, as I do not want to offend anyone right out...THere is much more I could say, but certain people understand..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So Watson can have an avatar that says liberals ride the short bus, which some might find offensive and I make a joke about born again christians and it gets removed? What's the deal with that? Are all the mods on this site right wing christians?
Thinking about it, it is kind of like having an Irish flag for an avatar, and the name being "Mick"


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Personally I think the Caribou would love it would give them something new to look at. I live in Alaska, and believe you me, they're very careful with the small amount of drilling they have done Anwar were open to drilling,as a matter of fact it would probably be more stringent. It may not be the entire answer to our high fuel costs, but every little bit helps, and why not start at home, instead of buying close to 100% of our oil from people that would like to hurt or kill us?
See...Why doesnt others see that..I lived in Homer for around 3 years...Everyone I knew and know in AK had no real problem with it...If AK is willing to give it a try then why not...(I have a friend near Valdez he was telling me about all the snow in the past 2 weeks...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Thinking about it, it is kind of like having an Irish flag for an avatar, and the name being "Mick"
Huh? JMICK is my name, who would find that offensive?


Active Member
A lot of ppl think Mick is a slang name for the Irish..kinda like a sterotype slander I suppose..I am from Irish desent and never thought it was rude..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Heres my final thought on this thread. I just want to thank Mr. Bush for the things he has done for us.
Thank you Mr. Bush for having thousands killed for a cause to be determined at a later date.
Thank you Mr. Bush for the increasing prices of oil which everybody depends so much on to get aroung day after day.
Thank you Mr. Bush for fixing the fallen economy that Bill Clinton left you with .
Thank you Mr. Bush for sealing our Borders so that illegal immagrants are unable to get into our country.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of the Hurricane Katrina victims so well in their time of need.
Thank you Mr. Bush for considering to fix America and the homeless people here before stepping into foreign land and helping to execute the man that just so happened to be the person that tried to have you father killed.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of Saddam , now that he is gone I can sleep well at night knowing that Iraq isnt a threat to us. I only laugh in the face of North Korea and all of the terrorist nations because how will they ever get through their days without Saddam.
Thank you Mr. Bush for creating so many worthless jobs while good jobs are outsourced to other countries. Because if I ever lost my job I know that Mcdonalds would deffinatly be on the top of my list to take care of my family and bills.
You have got to like at least one thing.
How about his supporting Medical Malpractice Limitations. The medical field usually likes this position..


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
It is a tame Avatar, as I do not want to offend anyone right out...THere is much more I could say, but certain people understand..
Everthing is offensive to someone, its a matter of perception. I think its a funny avatar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
and lets not forget his response to hurricane Katrina
that was a joke
Please read the entire thread as we have already covered this


New Member
Originally Posted by watson3
The fact that you are alive and well...The fact that the terrorists are not detonating bombs in our marketplaces..Who else do you think deserves that credit
Anyway you look at it, our president does not deserve credit because he can not finish what he started. You only get what credit you earn when something is finished. And thank you for serving in our arm serves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keyah1
Anyway you look at it, our president does not deserve credit because he can not finish what he started. You only get what credit you earn when something is finished. And thank you for serving in our arm serves.
The war on terrorism will never be finished.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keyah1
Anyway you look at it, our president does not deserve credit because he can not finish what he started. You only get what credit you earn when something is finished. And thank you for serving in our arm serves.
If you read the whole thread you'll see countless times where people have made similar comments without citing any examples.
What exactly would you like "finished"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keyah1
Anyway you look at it, our president does not deserve credit because he can not finish what he started. You only get what credit you earn when something is finished. And thank you for serving in our arm serves.
What do you think Mr.Bush started..This war was not started by our President..


New Member
I would also like to add my thanks to our lovely president, for basically insuring when I am old I will have no SS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverSibe
I would also like to add my thanks to our lovely president, for basically insuring when I am old I will have no SS.
Please elaborate on why you feel this way..


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverSibe
I would also like to add my thanks to our lovely president, for basically insuring when I am old I will have no SS.
Please explain how this is President Bushes fault?